Credit Distribution

Required Courses

EDT-5000 Foundations of Educational Technology: Theories and Practices3
EDT-5100 Curriculum Development in Educational Technology3
EDT-5200 Leadership and Supervision in Educational Technology3
OLT-5100 Theory and Culture of Online Learning3
OLT-5200 Learning Technology as an Issue in Online Learning3
OLT-6300 Issues in Instructional Design in Online Learning3
OLT-6400 Communication and Interactivity in Online Learning3
THC-6250 Technology and the Human Community: Challenges and Responses3
EDL-6700 Technology of Instruction and Administration3
-Select one of the following
EDL-5200 Standards-Based Curriculum Development, Pre-K-123
EDL-5400 Staff Supervision and Systems for Professional Learning3
EDT-7000 Capstone Project in Educational Technology and Online Learning3
EDT-7100 Practicum in Educational Technology and Online Learning3

Total Credit Hours: 36