Credit Distribution

I. Core Courses (24 Credits)

Select one of the following

DSI-5050 Programming 1: Python3
DSI-5060 Programming 1: R3

Select one of the following

DSI-5070 Programming 2: Python3
DSI-5080 Programming 2: R3


DSI-5300 SQL - Introduction to Database Queries3

Select one of the following

DSI-6010 Predictive Analytics 1 - Machine Learning Tools - with Python3
DSI-6040 Predictive Analytics 1 - Machine Learning Tools - with R3

Select one of the following

DSI-6020 Predictive Analytics 2 - Neural Nets and Regression - with Python3
DSI-6050 Predictive Analytics 2 - Neural Nets and Regression - with R3

Select one of the following

DSI-6030 Predictive Analytics 3 - Dimension Reduction, Clustering, and Association Rules - with Python3
DSI-6060 Predictive Analytics 3 - Dimension Reduction, Clustering, and Association Rules - with R3


DSI-6220 Interactive Data Visualization3
DSI-7000 Applied Predictive Analytics3

II. Electives (12 Credits) Select four from the following:

DSI-5090 Natural Language Processing I3
DSI-5100 Forecasting Analytics3
DSI-5110 Introduction to Network Analysis3
DSI-6080 R Programming Intermediate3
DSI-6100 Optimization - Linear Programming3
DSI-6110 Natural Language Processing II3
DSI-6130 Anomaly Detection3
DSI-6140 Customer Analytics in R3
DSI-6210 Integer and Nonlinear Programming and Network Flow3
DSI-6250 Risk Simulation and Queuing3
DSI-6400 Spatial Statistics with Geographic Information Systems3

Total Credit Hours: 36