Credit Distribution

I. Core Courses (18 Credits)

APS-6100 Cost Estimation and Financial Management for Engineers and Technologists3
THC-6250 Technology and the Human Community: Challenges and Responses3
APS-6000 Enhancing Performance in Technology Organizations3
APS-5100 Project Management for Technology3
APS-6010 Technology Innovation and Commercialization3
APS-6020 Managing People in Technology-Based Organizations3

II. Area of Study (12 Credits)

CYB-5100 Cybersecurity Foundations3
MSI-5010 Foundations of Information Technology*3
NUC-5010 Atmospheric Dispersion of Radioisotopes3
NUC-5020 Criticality Safety3
NUC-5030 Current Issues and Case Studies3

III. Capstone (6 Credits)

APS-7000 Master Project in Applied Science and Technology6

Total Credit Hours: 36