TESU Featured Courses are listed as a guide. Other courses may satisfy the areas and can be viewed on our website under General Education Courses. To plan your program please contact an academic advisor. |
ENC-1010 Writing for Success Effective writing is one of the skills most often cited by employers as essential to their employees' success. In this introductory course, students develop skills critical for both academic and career success through writing material that is intended to inform by providing unbiased facts. Students are guided through activities that help them understand the writing process, develop the ability to succinctly state and support their thesis statements and point of view, identify and incorporate information from outside sources, and customize their writing for specific target audiences. Students share their progress throughout the term in short essays and workshop discussions. The course culminates with the opportunity to identify a problem affecting the student's life, attempting to solve it through careful research and logical argumentation, and communicating the findings verbally and in writing. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Writing for Success | 3 |
ENC-1020 Writing for Success II Are you ready to take your writing skills to the next level? This course explores reliable research methods, ethical use of sources and other writing tools, effective organizational and rhetorical strategies, and engagement with the writing process. A highlight of this course is its practical application and focus on writing for real-world target audiences. Students will choose an issue affecting their lives at home, at school, at work, or in their communities to research and analyze. The skills and knowledge from this course will benefit students in a wide range of disciplines and careers as they learn how to use research to identify, analyze, and evaluate the complex problems and issues that affect our world. Advisory: It is advisable to have knowledge in a course equivalent to ENC-1010: Writing for Success with a grade of C or better to succeed in this course. Students are responsible for making sure that they have the necessary knowledge. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Writing for Success II | 3 |
MAT-1210 College Algebra This course builds upon the foundations of basic/intermediate algebra to further develop students' mathematical knowledge and professional skill set. Students in a wide range of disciplines and careers build real-world technical skills through the use of technology, data, and application modeling. This course also emphasizes critical thinking, logic, problem solving, and analytical skills. Topics include a review of pre-algebraic concepts, linear equations and inequalities, quadratic equations, functions (linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic), real-world applications using modeling and applying regression analysis to data. Advisory: It is advisable to have knowledge in a course equivalent to MAT-1150: Intermediate Algebra with a grade of C or better to succeed in this course. Students are responsible for ensuring that they have the required knowledge. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Associate in Science in Business Administration students are recommended to take MAT-1190: Quantitative Business Analysis or MAT-1210: College Algebra. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | College Algebra | 3 |
SOS-1100 Fact, Fiction, or Fake? Information Literacy Today We are bombarded with information every day. It comes at us from all directions - from our social media feeds, traditional news outlets, advertisements and commercials, assigned readings in college courses, and from friends and family members. This is a regular part of daily life in the "information age," but it can be difficult to make sense of so much information coming at us from different directions. How do we know what information to trust, and what information is "fake or fiction"? In what ways do our own beliefs and perceptions shape how we use information? How can we identify the most reliable sources of information in our courses, careers, and daily lives? In this course, students develop strategies for locating credible information; evaluate a variety of sources for credibility; learn how cognitive bias may influence how information is perceived; practice giving proper credit to the sources of the information; and learn how to apply these information literacy skills in their academic courses, career, and personal life. BSN students: This course is offered 6 times per year during Session 1 and Session 2 of each 16 week Nursing Undergraduate term. Please check the 16 Week School of Nursing Undergraduate Academic Calendar for dates and registration information. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Fact, Fiction, or Fake? Information Literacy Today | 3 |
SOC-1010 Our Changing World: An Introduction to Sociology Sociology sheds light on the diverse people and cultures of the United States and the world. The discipline helps humankind understand social change and social problems. This course introduces sociology, the scientific study of social behavior and interaction, as a field with broad application for understanding social activity and addressing social problems. Students will develop their sociological imagination and will be introduced to sociological research skills. The course explores topics related to diversity and inequity at multiple levels and emphasizes how social structure impacts the decisions and actions of people based on group membership, including race, ethnicity, class and gender. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Our Changing World: An Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
ETH-2200 Leading the Way: A Path Towards Ethical Leadership Whenever a new corporate scandal emerges, society asks, how could this happen? How could there have been such a failure in leadership? At the turn of the 21st century, scandal after scandal came to light and in reaction, ethical leadership as a contemporary field of study began to take shape. The formative research studies argued that, not only was ethical leadership a moral imperative, it stood to make managers more effective, employees more productive, and organizations more successful. This course traces the path toward ethical leadership, examining how thoughts on leadership have changed over time and how they have been inspired by philosophical ethical theories. Exploration of how ethics can be applied to professional and personal endeavors sheds light on why ethical leadership matters in everyday life. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Leading the Way: A Path Towards Ethical Leadership | 3 |
CRJ-2800 Forensic ScienceForensic Science presents a comprehensive introduction of the application of science concepts to criminal investigation. Students will learn about the processes and procedures for investigating a crime scene, as well as the types of evidence typically encountered and the tools and techniques for evidence examination. The course will cover key topics related to criminal investigation, including the collection and assessment of physical, biological, and trace evidence, examining how it applies to the criminal justice system, especially the court system. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Forensic Science | 3 |
FIL-1100 Exploring American Cinema Movies have been called "the art form of the 20th century," and Hollywood has been described as "the Dream Factory." This course examines how American motion pictures have weaved their powerful spell on generations of moviegoers - including today's motion picture fans. How did classic Hollywood films tell their stories? What was their "visual language?" How did the history of the studios help to shape the movies? In this course students watch, read about, and examine films of various genres including the Western, film noir, screwball comedy, and horror. This course also explores modern Hollywood topics such as film franchises and the equal representation and diversity in films. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Exploring American Cinema | 3 |
PHY-1150 Physics I with LabPhysics I with Lab is a first-semester introductory course in physics that focuses on mechanics and the properties of matter and includes study of motion and energy. This course includes a laboratory. Advisory: It is advisable to have knowledge in a course equivalent to MAT-1210: College Algebra with a grade of C or better to succeed in this course. Students are responsible for making sure that they have the necessary knowledge. This course meets the area of study Physics I with Lab requirement. Note: This course has a lab kit requirement. Please check the syllabus for ordering instructions. Study Methods:
Credits: 4 Preview the Online Syllabus | Physics I with Lab | 4 |
PHY-1160 Physics II with LabPhysics II with Lab is a second-semester introductory course in physics that emphasizes the comprehension of topics such as electricity, magnetism, electromagnetism, light, and optics. This course includes a laboratory. Advisory: It is advisable to have knowledge in a course equivalent to PHY-1110: Physics I and MAT-1210: College Algebra with a grade of C or better to succeed in this course. Students are responsible for making sure that they have the necessary knowledge. This course meets the area of study Physics II with Lab requirement. Note: This course has a lab kit requirement. Please check the syllabus for ordering instructions. Study Methods:
Credits: 4 Preview the Online Syllabus | Physics II with Lab | 4 |
Complete 18 credits in Aviation Flight Technology area and the 3 credit Capstone course. For course options, please contact an advisor.
APS-2950 Associate Capstone The Associate Capstone prepares and develops students' skills for a technical work-stream leader role in their area of discipline within business and technology. This course teaches various techniques to simulate new concepts for a technology driven ideation process and the ability to assess the marketplace. Throughout this course the students will develop their ability to: understand and manage technology life cycles; recognize business and manufacturing tools and strategies to yield the greatest efficiencies through each stage of this process; and to anticipate the issues and considerations when deploying technology. This course is designed to provide knowledge in these areas for the identification, analysis, and synthesis of current trends and incremental changes in any technical area of study. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Associate Capstone | 3 |
For TESU course options, go to Elective Courses.
TRANSFER REQUIREMENT: TESU accepts credits in transfer from accredited institutions as well as non-collegiate providers. View information and resources on where you may find additional learning experiences. |
Total Credit Hours: 60