TESU Featured Courses are listed as a guide. Other courses may satisfy the areas and can be viewed on our website under General Education Courses. For more information see About Our General Education Program. To plan your program please contact an academic advisor. |
ENC-1010 Writing for SuccessEffective writing is one of the skills most often cited by employers as essential to their employees' success. In this introductory course, students develop skills critical for both academic and career success through writing material that is intended to inform by providing unbiased facts. Students are guided through activities that help them understand the writing process, develop the ability to succinctly state and support their thesis statements and point of view, identify and incorporate information from outside sources, and customize their writing for specific target audiences. Students share their progress throughout the term in short essays and workshop discussions. The course culminates with the opportunity to identify a problem affecting the student's life, attempting to solve it through careful research and logical argumentation, and communicating the findings verbally and in writing. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Writing for Success | 3 |
ENC-1020 Writing for Success IIAre you ready to take your writing skills to the next level? This course explores reliable research methods, ethical use of sources and other writing tools, effective organizational and rhetorical strategies, and engagement with the writing process. A highlight of this course is its practical application and focus on writing for real-world target audiences. Students will choose an issue affecting their lives at home, at school, at work, or in their communities to research and analyze. The skills and knowledge from this course will benefit students in a wide range of disciplines and careers as they learn how to use research to identify, analyze, and evaluate the complex problems and issues that affect our world. Advisory: It is advisable to have knowledge in a course equivalent to ENC-1010: Writing for Success with a grade of C or better to succeed in this course. Students are responsible for making sure that they have the necessary knowledge. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Writing for Success II | 3 |
COM-2090 Public SpeakingThis course focuses on the skills necessary for effective public speaking: organizing materials, selecting appropriate content, developing a comprehensive outline, integrating visual aids effectively, and using an appropriate style of delivery. Students learn the principles of public speaking and critical thinking including the discovery and evaluation of arguments and evidence, organization, style, audience analysis and adaptation, speech composition, and presentation skills. This course prepares students to develop professional presentations in the increasingly diverse workplace. BSN students: This course is offered 3 times per year during Session 2 of each 16 week Nursing Undergraduate term. Please check the 16 Week School of Nursing Undergraduate Academic Calendar for dates and registration information. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Public Speaking | 3 |
STA-2010 Principles of StatisticsPrinciples of Statistics is designed to meet the needs of students across multiple disciplines and professions. As data becomes more prevalent in our world through advances in technology, there is a growing need to understand, analyze, and utilize these data effectively to make decisions. This course provides students with techniques needed to scientifically analyze data for statistical interpretation. Topics include types of statistics, data representations (tables, graphs, and charts), measures of location and variation, probability concepts, continuous and discrete distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, distribution-free tests, and regression and correlation analysis. The emphasis of the course is on the application of these statistical methods to solve real-world problems regardless of academic or professional discipline. Advisory: It is advisable to have knowledge in a course equivalent to MAT-1210: College Algebra with a grade of C or better to succeed in this course. Students are responsible for making sure that they have the necessary knowledge. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Principles of Statistics | 3 |
SOS-1100 Fact, Fiction, or Fake? Information Literacy TodayWe are bombarded with information every day. It comes at us from all directions - from our social media feeds, traditional news outlets, advertisements and commercials, assigned readings in college courses, and from friends and family members. This is a regular part of daily life in the "information age," but it can be difficult to make sense of so much information coming at us from different directions. How do we know what information to trust, and what information is "fake or fiction"? In what ways do our own beliefs and perceptions shape how we use information? How can we identify the most reliable sources of information in our courses, careers, and daily lives? In this course, students develop strategies for locating credible information; evaluate a variety of sources for credibility; learn how cognitive bias may influence how information is perceived; practice giving proper credit to the sources of the information; and learn how to apply these information literacy skills in their academic courses, career, and personal life. BSN students: This course is offered 6 times per year during Session 1 and Session 2 of each 16 week Nursing Undergraduate term. Please check the 16 Week School of Nursing Undergraduate Academic Calendar for dates and registration information. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Fact, Fiction, or Fake? Information Literacy Today | 3 |
SOC-1010 Our Changing World: An Introduction to SociologySociology sheds light on the diverse people and cultures of the United States and the world. The discipline helps humankind understand social change and social problems. This course introduces sociology, the scientific study of social behavior and interaction, as a field with broad application for understanding social activity and addressing social problems. Students will develop their sociological imagination and will be introduced to sociological research skills. The course explores topics related to diversity and inequity at multiple levels and emphasizes how social structure impacts the decisions and actions of people based on group membership, including race, ethnicity, class and gender. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Our Changing World: An Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
ETH-2200 Leading the Way: A Path Towards Ethical LeadershipWhenever a new corporate scandal emerges, society asks, how could this happen? How could there have been such a failure in leadership? At the turn of the 21st century, scandal after scandal came to light and in reaction, ethical leadership as a contemporary field of study began to take shape. The formative research studies argued that, not only was ethical leadership a moral imperative, it stood to make managers more effective, employees more productive, and organizations more successful. This course traces the path toward ethical leadership, examining how thoughts on leadership have changed over time and how they have been inspired by philosophical ethical theories. Exploration of how ethics can be applied to professional and personal endeavors sheds light on why ethical leadership matters in everyday life. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Leading the Way: A Path Towards Ethical Leadership | 3 |
POS-1100 American GovernmentAmerican Government provides students with a broad introduction to the American political system and political society, including the participation of the citizens. This course examines how the American political process operates. As students progress through the course they will gain a greater understanding of American government and politics as well as how a citizen can contribute to the process in a positive manner. BSN students: This course is offered 3 times per year during Session 2 of each 16 week Nursing Undergraduate term. Please check the 16 Week School of Nursing Undergraduate Academic Calendar for dates and registration information. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | American Government | 3 |
CRJ-2800 Forensic ScienceForensic Science presents a comprehensive introduction of the application of science concepts to criminal investigation. Key topics covered include the importance of the crime scene and the collection and analysis of both physical and biological evidence. In addition to the textbook readings and lecture notes, this course employs analysis of actual criminal cases through written assignments and discussions. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Forensic Science | 3 |
HIS-1130 American History IAmerican History I provides a broad-based history of the origin and growth of the United States from the arrival of the first European settlers up to and including the period of the Civil War. The story of the United States is about diversified cultures and great public events, many peoples living together in a single land, and a war that is still being fought in many sections of the land. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | American History I | 3 |
FIL-1100 Exploring American CinemaMovies have been called "the art form of the 20th century," and Hollywood has been described as "the Dream Factory." This course examines how American motion pictures have weaved their powerful spell on generations of moviegoers - including today's motion picture fans. How did classic Hollywood films tell their stories? What was their "visual language?" How did the history of the studios help to shape the movies? In this course students watch, read about, and examine films of various genres including the Western, film noir, screwball comedy, and horror. This course also explores modern Hollywood topics such as film franchises and the equal representation and diversity in films. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Exploring American Cinema | 3 |
SOC-2910 CriminologyThis course provides a comprehensive exploration of criminology, aiming to help students develop a solid understanding of the causes, consequences, and responses to crime within society. Through an interdisciplinary approach, students will examine various theories, methods, and perspectives used to study crime and criminal behavior. Students will explore policies and evidence-based prevention strategies within the field of criminology. Course topics include the criminal justice system, existing research methods, how crime is measured, classical school thinking, positivism, theories influenced by functionalism, the role of symbolic interactionism in criminological theories, conflict theory-influenced philosophies from the past to the present, and the relationship between theory, research, and policy. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Criminology | 3 |
HIS-1140 American History IIAmerican History II is a continuation of American History I. It begins with the period of Reconstruction in the South immediately after the Civil War and continues into the 21st century. The course covers the social, economic, and political development of the nation. The issues center on the transformation of the United States from an agrarian nation and a lesser member of the international community to a leading industrial power of the modern world. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | American History II | 3 |
HUM-1030 Introduction to the Humanities III: MusicThis course discusses and helps students appreciate representative works of Western music in relation to their historical contexts. The course takes a three pronged approach. First, it examines the historical, social, political, and religious environments that shaped the composers under study and their musical styles. Second, it focuses on certain representative works as examples of their times and as objects of art unto themselves. Finally, it develops listening skills and a musical vocabulary that allows students to isolate and identify certain types of musical phenomena. Students will emerge from the course with an expanded appreciation of the language of music. Course content is drawn from the Teaching Company's "How to Listen to and Understand Great Music" by Dr. Robert Greenberg. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Introduction to the Humanities III: Music | 3 |
COS-1110 Introduction to ProgrammingThis course is an introduction to computer programming that aims to develop fundamental programming skills using Java as the teaching language. Topics include data types, control structures, arrays, object-oriented design, abstraction, encapsulation, algorithms, documentation, testing, and debugging. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Introduction to Programming | 3 |
CHE-1210 General Chemistry I with LabChemistry is a science that deals with the composition, structure, and properties of substances and with the transformations that they undergo. It is the "study of change." In this course, the first of a two-semester general chemistry sequence, students explore the structure of the atom, the molecules that form from atoms, and the basic concepts of chemical reactivity, including the relations between amounts of materials undergoing reactions and the energetics of those reactions. At the atomic and molecular level, chemistry is a very abstract subject, but the study of atoms and molecules is fundamental to understanding life itself, since all matter is made up of atoms and molecules. Through practical examples and applications, the course aims to explain not only the abstract concepts of chemistry, but also how those concepts are understood in real-life contexts. Note: This course has a lab kit requirement. Please check the syllabus for ordering instructions. Study Methods:
Credits: 4 Preview the Online Syllabus | General Chemistry I with Lab | 4 |
MAT-2310 Calculus ICalculus I is an intensive, higher-level course in mathematics that builds on courses like precalculus. The course aims at serving the needs of a wide student audience, including students in engineering, mathematics, the physical and life sciences, and economics. It is constructed around multiple focal points with the intention of helping students become creative and efficient problem solvers. The course uses technology as a means of discovery for numerical, graphical, and analytical solutions to problems. It also emphasizes communication skills and requires students to interpret, describe, discuss, justify, and conjecture as they search for solutions to problems. Real-life applications provide links with students' everyday life. Topics covered include the Cartesian plane, limits and continuity, problems of tangents, velocity and instantaneous rates of change, rules for differentiation, implicit differentiation, maxima and minima theory, antiderivatives and the indefinite integral, exponential and logarithmic functions, and the area between curves. Advisory: It is advisable to have knowledge in a course equivalent to MAT-1290: Precalculus with a grade of C or better to succeed in this course. Students are responsible for making sure that they have the necessary knowledge. Study Methods:
Credits: 4 Preview the Online Syllabus | Calculus I | 4 |
MAT-2320 Calculus IIThis is an advanced-level course focusing on integration theory. While the prerequisite, MAT-2310: Calculus I, focuses on the local changes of single variable functions, the topics in MAT-2320 lead to an investigation of accumulated change. The course aims at serving the needs of students in engineering, mathematics, and the physical and life sciences as well as economics. Students are required to interpret, describe, discuss, justify, and make conjectures as they problem-solve. The topics in Calculus II are carefully chosen to promote the investigation of integrals and include computing algebraically (when possible), numerically, and approximating value when other options are not possible. The applications investigated as part of course work include area, volume, motion, and distance. Advisory: It is advisable to have knowledge in a course equivalent to MAT-2310: Calculus I with a grade of C or better to succeed in this course. Students are responsible for making sure that they have the necessary knowledge. Study Methods:
Credits: 4 Preview the Online Syllabus | Calculus II | 4 |
PHY-1150 Physics I with LabPhysics I with Lab is a first-semester introductory course in physics that focuses on mechanics and the properties of matter and includes study of motion and energy. This course includes a laboratory. Advisory: It is advisable to have knowledge in a course equivalent to MAT-1210: College Algebra with a grade of C or better to succeed in this course. Students are responsible for making sure that they have the necessary knowledge. This course meets the area of study Physics I with Lab requirement. Note: This course has a lab kit requirement. Please check the syllabus for ordering instructions. Study Methods:
Credits: 4 Preview the Online Syllabus | Physics I with Lab | 4 |
PHY-1160 Physics II with LabPhysics II with Lab is a second-semester introductory course in physics that emphasizes the comprehension of topics such as electricity, magnetism, electromagnetism, light, and optics. This course includes a laboratory. Advisory: It is advisable to have knowledge in a course equivalent to PHY-1110: Physics I and MAT-1210: College Algebra with a grade of C or better to succeed in this course. Students are responsible for making sure that they have the necessary knowledge. This course meets the area of study Physics II with Lab requirement. Note: This course has a lab kit requirement. Please check the syllabus for ordering instructions. Study Methods:
Credits: 4 Preview the Online Syllabus | Physics II with Lab | 4 |
ELE-2110 DC CircuitsThis course covers the fundamental concepts of electricity, batteries, DC series, parallel and complex circuits, electrical conductors, electromagnetism and magnetic circuits, and DC electrical indicating instruments. Advisory: Proficiency in a course equivalent to at least MAT-1210: College Algebra is needed to succeed in this course. Note: This course requires that students use NI Circuit Design Suite software, which is a Windows-based product and will not run on Macs. Students can run this software and other Windows software on a Mac using Apple's Boot Camp technology or third-party virtualization tools like Parallels or VMWare Fusion. These tools make it possible to run Mac OSX and a Windows operating system side by side. This solution will require a Windows license. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | DC Circuits | 3 |
ELE-2120 AC CircuitsThis course covers an introduction to alternating current, inductance, capacitance, inductive and capacitive reactance, fundamental AC circuitry, and single phase transformer. Advisory: Advisory: Knowledge of basic DC circuits (or a course equivalent to ELE-2110: DC Circuits) and an understanding of trigonometric functions (or proficiency in a course equivalent to at least MAT-1290: Precalculus) is needed to succeed in this course. Note: This course requires that students use NI Circuit Design Suite software, which is a Windows-based product and will not run on Macs. Students can run this software and other Windows software on a Mac using Apple's Boot Camp technology or third-party virtualization tools like Parallels or VMWare Fusion. These tools make it possible to run Mac OSX and a Windows operating system side by side. This solution will require a Windows license. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | AC Circuits | 3 |
ELT-3060 Solid State Devices and CircuitsStudies include analysis and design considerations for electronic amplifiers and power supplies using semiconductor devices. Class A amplifiers using bipolar transistors will be analyzed with emphasis on frequency response, power dissipation, and efficiency. Note: This course has a lab kit requirement. Please check the syllabus for ordering instructions. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Solid State Devices and Circuits | 3 |
ELT-3070 Linear and Integrated CircuitsThis course is mainly about the operational amplifiers (OpAmps), the most commonly used analog circuits. The course starts with the basics of OpAmps with a couple of real world integrated circuits implementations and their data sheets. Then it discusses simple applications of OpAmps and the limitations of OpAmps. Finally, it examines some more advanced applications of OpAmps to provide an appreciation of their wide ranging applicability. The course also includes hands-on learning and practices through lab experiments and computer simulations. Note: This course has a lab kit requirement. Please check the syllabus for ordering instructions. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Linear and Integrated Circuits | 3 |
ELD-3020 Digital ElectronicsThis course is a study in applied digital logic using electronic digital circuits. Students will learn about digital electronic fundamentals, including number systems, logic gates, Boolean algebra, logic families circuit design, flip-flops, combinational and synchronous logic circuit design, logic minimization techniques (Karnaugh maps, Quine-McCluskey), finite state machines, counters, shift registers, encoders and decoders, multiplexers and demultiplexers, data storage, data conversion, data processing, and control. Learning is augmented by hands-on work through virtual labs using the NI Multisim software. Note: This course requires that students use NI Circuit Design Suite software, which is a Windows-based product and will not run on Macs. Students can run this software and other Windows software on a Mac using Apple's Boot Camp technology or third-party virtualization tools like Parallels or VMWare Fusion. These tools make it possible to run Mac OSX and a Windows operating system side by side. This solution will require a Windows license. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Digital Electronics | 3 |
ELD-3110 MicroprocessorsThis course introduces microprocessors and microcontrollers and goes on to provide in-depth, hands-on coverage of their use in automation systems. It employs the Arduino open source hardware and software for imparting instruction. A comprehensive training kit is used to interface simple digital and analog components as well as complex modules utilizing industry standard buses. The course culminates with a project demonstrating a multitasking control application on an AVR microcontroller. Note: This course has a lab kit requirement. Please check the syllabus for ordering instructions. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Microprocessors | 3 |
ELC-2010 Electronic Communication SystemsThis is a comprehensive course in AM, FM, and single-sideband communication systems and an introduction to digital transmission. The course is designed to familiarize students with transmitters, receivers, modems, noise analysis, information theory, pulse modulation, sampling, coding, multiplexing, and other signal processing techniques used in commercial broadcasting and data transmission systems. Advisory: It is advisable to have completed courses in basic algebra and trigonometry as well as basic electronics including transistors. Note: This course requires that students use NI Circuit Design Suite software, which is a Windows-based product and will not run on Macs. Students can run this software and other Windows software on a Mac using Apple's Boot Camp technology or third-party virtualization tools like Parallels or VMWare Fusion. These tools make it possible to run Mac OSX and a Windows operating system side by side. This solution will require a Windows license. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Electronic Communication Systems | 3 |
CTR-2110 Electronic Instrumentation and ControlThis course is designed to introduce students to the technologies and sciences involved in modern day automated process control. Students learn about industrial sensors, signal conditioning, amplification, bridge circuits, temperature compensation, actuators, process controllers, logic gates, functional building blocks, and programmable logic controllers. Students also receive instruction in personal and equipment electrical safety, the importance of properly calibrating and maintaining electronics, and methods for troubleshooting electronic faults. Advisory: Students should have a basic understanding of mathematics, electricity, and physics before enrolling in this course. For those students who would like to refresh on the basics, a link to a free text will be included with the course reading list. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Electronic Instrumentation and Control | 3 |
- | Military/INPO Discipline Specific Training including Laboratory/Practicum | 1-10 |
- | OR | |
ELT-3080 Industrial ElectronicsThis course is the study of devices, circuits, and systems primarily used for process control and other industrial applications. Topics covered include operational amplifiers, solid state devices for industrial applications, sensors, AC and DC motor control, inverters, converters, and programmable logic controllers. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Industrial Electronics | 3 |
CTR-2120 Programmable Logic ControllersThis course studies the development of the programmable logic controller (PLC), its components and operation, common methods of programming the PLC, and its applications in industry. The course is designed for students in a technical curriculum or occupation who have not had previous knowledge of or experience with PLCs and who need to develop the requisite background and skills in PLC programming to further their education and careers. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Programmable Logic Controllers | 3 |
CMP-3540 Network TechnologyThis course provides students with the fundamental concepts of data communications and teaches practical approaches and considerations when designing, implementing, and securing a network environment. It includes an analysis of the physical and logical aspects of the network infrastructure and the various industry standards and models available. The material also consists of the common techniques to identify threats and countermeasures utilized to minimize exposure on a network. Throughout this course, students develop and build their analytical and problem-solving skills. Specific topics covered include: network standards; architectures; topologies; devices; media; protocols; security; and other network-based technologies. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Network Technology | 3 |
APS-4000 Occupational Safety and HealthThe Occupational Safety and Health course provides analysis and solution components for technology leaders to identify potential issues and plan solutions. The content includes roles of the technical leaders in environmental, health, and safety management; quantitative problem solving and units of measure; application of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations; and development of solutions specific to the student's field of applied science and technology. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Occupational Safety and Health | 3 |
APS-4020 Applied Quality ManagementThe Applied Quality Management course provides students with the knowledge and techniques required to improve product quality and process efficiency by identifying and measuring production process variability, which, if not successfully addressed, leads to inconsistent product quality, costly wastage, nonstandardization, and other reliability and productivity problems. This course introduces basic quality management concepts and definitions and builds on that knowledge to explore Statistical Process Control (SPC) based quality improvement techniques as a means to diagnose, reduce, and eliminate causes of variation and to assist in process improvement, production control, production planning, and decision making. A brief review of the fundamentals of statistics and probability and their applications in quality management is provided, and various measurement and control techniques — for example, charts for variables and attributes, are presented. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Applied Quality Management | 3 |
MAN-4350 Project ManagementThis course provides the foundation for managing projects in today's global economy, focusing on the tools, skills, and behaviors necessary for successful project execution. The course explores the competencies necessary to lead projects within a structured framework, addressing leadership, scope identification, team management, estimation, risk and issue resolution, and project control. Additionally, challenges such as outsourcing, matrix reporting, and resource constraints will be addressed. The course design capitalizes on real-world examples and case studies, offering students an opportunity to blend theory with practice, contributing to meeting the high demand for leading projects in a variety of organizations, industries, and environments. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Project Management | 3 |
APS-4900 Engineering Technology Assessment/Career PlanningEngineering Technology Assessment/Career Planning is an in-depth, student-centered course that requires the integration of research in current engineering technology employment within each student's degree program. This course constitutes one of two Capstone requirements in each of three degree programs: Nuclear Energy Engineering Technology (NEET), Electronic Systems Engineering Technology (ESET), and Radiation Protection/Health Physics (RP/HP). Students will participate in career-focused activities that include engineering technology self-assessments within the student's selected discipline; practical career planning; development of a comprehensive curriculum vitae (CV); demonstration of successful interviewing techniques; application of advanced math applications to relevant engineering technology situations; and setting goals for professional continuous improvement in the student's chosen discipline. The knowledge and skills acquired in this course are directly applicable to students who are seeking a job, a promotion, or movement to a new skill area. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Engineering Technology Assessment/Career Planning | 3 |
ELT-4950 Electronics Systems Engineering Technology CapstoneThe Electronics Systems Engineering Technology (ESET) Capstone is an in-depth, student-centered activity that requires the integration of theory and practical experience. Students will apply the skills and techniques they have learned to a specific project. In this Capstone course teams of students will design a project based on past academic, professional, and personal learning experiences that involves conducting research on a problem, issue, event, developing technology, or case study in the electronics engineering technology field. On successful completion of the course, students will have met the learning outcomes of the ESET degree program. Study Methods:
Credits: 4 Preview the Online Syllabus | Electronics Systems Engineering Technology Capstone | 4 |
For TESU course options, go to Elective Courses.
TESU accepts credits in transfer from accredited institutions as well as non-collegiate providers. View information and resources on where you may find additional learning experiences. |
Total Credit Hours: 120