TESU Featured Courses are listed as a guide. Other courses may satisfy the areas and can be viewed on our website under General Education Courses. For more information see About Our General Education Program. To plan your program please contact an academic advisor. |
ENC-1010 Writing for SuccessEffective writing is one of the skills most often cited by employers as essential to their employees' success. In this introductory course, students develop skills critical for both academic and career success through writing material that is intended to inform by providing unbiased facts. Students are guided through activities that help them understand the writing process, develop the ability to succinctly state and support their thesis statements and point of view, identify and incorporate information from outside sources, and customize their writing for specific target audiences. Students share their progress throughout the term in short essays and workshop discussions. The course culminates with the opportunity to identify a problem affecting the student's life, attempting to solve it through careful research and logical argumentation, and communicating the findings verbally and in writing. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Writing for Success | 3 |
ENC-1020 Writing for Success IIAre you ready to take your writing skills to the next level? This course explores reliable research methods, ethical use of sources and other writing tools, effective organizational and rhetorical strategies, and engagement with the writing process. A highlight of this course is its practical application and focus on writing for real-world target audiences. Students will choose an issue affecting their lives at home, at school, at work, or in their communities to research and analyze. The skills and knowledge from this course will benefit students in a wide range of disciplines and careers as they learn how to use research to identify, analyze, and evaluate the complex problems and issues that affect our world. Advisory: It is advisable to have knowledge in a course equivalent to ENC-1010: Writing for Success with a grade of C or better to succeed in this course. Students are responsible for making sure that they have the necessary knowledge. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Writing for Success II | 3 |
MAT-1210 College AlgebraThis course builds upon the foundations of basic/intermediate algebra to further develop students' mathematical knowledge and professional skill set. Students in a wide range of disciplines and careers build real-world technical skills through the use of technology, data, and application modeling. This course also emphasizes critical thinking, logic, problem solving, and analytical skills. Topics include a review of pre-algebraic concepts, linear equations and inequalities, quadratic equations, functions (linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic), real-world applications using modeling and applying regression analysis to data. Advisory: It is advisable to have knowledge in a course equivalent to MAT-1150: Intermediate Algebra with a grade of C or better to succeed in this course. Students are responsible for ensuring that they have the required knowledge. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Associate in Science in Business Administration students are recommended to take MAT-1190: Quantitative Business Analysis or MAT-1210: College Algebra. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | College Algebra | 3 |
COM-2090 Public SpeakingThis course focuses on the skills necessary for effective public speaking: organizing materials, selecting appropriate content, developing a comprehensive outline, integrating visual aids effectively, and using an appropriate style of delivery. Students learn the principles of public speaking and critical thinking including the discovery and evaluation of arguments and evidence, organization, style, audience analysis and adaptation, speech composition, and presentation skills. This course prepares students to develop professional presentations in the increasingly diverse workplace. BSN students: This course is offered 3 times per year during Session 2 of each 16 week Nursing Undergraduate term. Please check the 16 Week School of Nursing Undergraduate Academic Calendar for dates and registration information. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Public Speaking | 3 |
SOS-1100 Fact, Fiction, or Fake? Information Literacy TodayWe are bombarded with information every day. It comes at us from all directions - from our social media feeds, traditional news outlets, advertisements and commercials, assigned readings in college courses, and from friends and family members. This is a regular part of daily life in the "information age," but it can be difficult to make sense of so much information coming at us from different directions. How do we know what information to trust, and what information is "fake or fiction"? In what ways do our own beliefs and perceptions shape how we use information? How can we identify the most reliable sources of information in our courses, careers, and daily lives? In this course, students develop strategies for locating credible information; evaluate a variety of sources for credibility; learn how cognitive bias may influence how information is perceived; practice giving proper credit to the sources of the information; and learn how to apply these information literacy skills in their academic courses, career, and personal life. BSN students: This course is offered 6 times per year during Session 1 and Session 2 of each 16 week Nursing Undergraduate term. Please check the 16 Week School of Nursing Undergraduate Academic Calendar for dates and registration information. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Fact, Fiction, or Fake? Information Literacy Today | 3 |
SOC-1010 Our Changing World: An Introduction to SociologySociology sheds light on the diverse people and cultures of the United States and the world. The discipline helps humankind understand social change and social problems. This course introduces sociology, the scientific study of social behavior and interaction, as a field with broad application for understanding social activity and addressing social problems. Students will develop their sociological imagination and will be introduced to sociological research skills. The course explores topics related to diversity and inequity at multiple levels and emphasizes how social structure impacts the decisions and actions of people based on group membership, including race, ethnicity, class and gender. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Our Changing World: An Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
ETH-2200 Leading the Way: A Path Towards Ethical LeadershipWhenever a new corporate scandal emerges, society asks, how could this happen? How could there have been such a failure in leadership? At the turn of the 21st century, scandal after scandal came to light and in reaction, ethical leadership as a contemporary field of study began to take shape. The formative research studies argued that, not only was ethical leadership a moral imperative, it stood to make managers more effective, employees more productive, and organizations more successful. This course traces the path toward ethical leadership, examining how thoughts on leadership have changed over time and how they have been inspired by philosophical ethical theories. Exploration of how ethics can be applied to professional and personal endeavors sheds light on why ethical leadership matters in everyday life. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Leading the Way: A Path Towards Ethical Leadership | 3 |
POS-1100 American GovernmentAmerican Government provides students with a broad introduction to the American political system and political society, including the participation of the citizens. This course examines how the American political process operates. As students progress through the course they will gain a greater understanding of American government and politics as well as how a citizen can contribute to the process in a positive manner. BSN students: This course is offered 3 times per year during Session 2 of each 16 week Nursing Undergraduate term. Please check the 16 Week School of Nursing Undergraduate Academic Calendar for dates and registration information. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | American Government | 3 |
SOC-2100 Marriage and the FamilyThis course is an introductory course in the sociology of marriage and the family. It explores the various sociological approaches to studying the family, the varieties of family forms, and problems facing American families. The course will begin by defining marriage and family and recognizing the commonality and diversity of experiences among families. The course also examines the ways in which families vary by social class, race, gender, and sexuality and how the material conditions of people's lives shape their attitudes and behaviors. Diversity and change are central themes when studying trends in family life in the United States. This course will explore the complexities of marriage and family, helping students to develop an appreciation for the changes that have shaped families today. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Marriage and the Family | 3 |
HIS-1130 American History IAmerican History I provides a broad-based history of the origin and growth of the United States from the arrival of the first European settlers up to and including the period of the Civil War. The story of the United States is about diversified cultures and great public events, many peoples living together in a single land, and a war that is still being fought in many sections of the land. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | American History I | 3 |
FIL-1100 Exploring American CinemaMovies have been called "the art form of the 20th century," and Hollywood has been described as "the Dream Factory." This course examines how American motion pictures have weaved their powerful spell on generations of moviegoers - including today's motion picture fans. How did classic Hollywood films tell their stories? What was their "visual language?" How did the history of the studios help to shape the movies? In this course students watch, read about, and examine films of various genres including the Western, film noir, screwball comedy, and horror. This course also explores modern Hollywood topics such as film franchises and the equal representation and diversity in films. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Exploring American Cinema | 3 |
SOC-2910 CriminologyThis course provides a comprehensive exploration of criminology, aiming to help students develop a solid understanding of the causes, consequences, and responses to crime within society. Through an interdisciplinary approach, students will examine various theories, methods, and perspectives used to study crime and criminal behavior. Students will explore policies and evidence-based prevention strategies within the field of criminology. Course topics include the criminal justice system, existing research methods, how crime is measured, classical school thinking, positivism, theories influenced by functionalism, the role of symbolic interactionism in criminological theories, conflict theory-influenced philosophies from the past to the present, and the relationship between theory, research, and policy. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Criminology | 3 |
HIS-1140 American History IIAmerican History II is a continuation of American History I. It begins with the period of Reconstruction in the South immediately after the Civil War and continues into the 21st century. The course covers the social, economic, and political development of the nation. The issues center on the transformation of the United States from an agrarian nation and a lesser member of the international community to a leading industrial power of the modern world. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | American History II | 3 |
HIS-1210 Introduction to World History IIn Introduction to World History I, students will explore the global structures and transnational forces that have shaped history, from prehistory, through the emergence of agriculture and urban centers, to 1492. Students in this course will examine both the distinctive characteristics of individual societies and the connections that have linked the fortunes of different societies as well as comparisons of major societies. The course will chronologically highlight the traditions of global regions and their encounters with one another, including the Middle East, Europe, South Asia, East Asia, and the Americas. The historical material will enable students to recognize the twin themes of tradition and encounters. Students will engage in comparative analysis of different societies, and their religious and cultural differences, as well as the expanding global trade and technology networks. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Introduction to World History I | 3 |
HUM-1030 Introduction to the Humanities III: MusicThis course discusses and helps students appreciate representative works of Western music in relation to their historical contexts. The course takes a three pronged approach. First, it examines the historical, social, political, and religious environments that shaped the composers under study and their musical styles. Second, it focuses on certain representative works as examples of their times and as objects of art unto themselves. Finally, it develops listening skills and a musical vocabulary that allows students to isolate and identify certain types of musical phenomena. Students will emerge from the course with an expanded appreciation of the language of music. Course content is drawn from the Teaching Company's "How to Listen to and Understand Great Music" by Dr. Robert Greenberg. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Introduction to the Humanities III: Music | 3 |
PHI-1300 Introduction to Critical ReasoningThe aim of this course is to give students the opportunity to acquire critical-thinking tools to analyze and evaluate knowledge claims. Students will acquire the skills to develop a critical attitude to cultural stereotypes and biases through readings, web resources journal assignments, and self-check assessments. Critical-reasoning tools are crucial to making informed decisions so that when students are faced with difficult situations in their professional or private lives, they will be able to make appropriate reasoning choices. The skills and knowledge students obtain in the course can also assist them with studies of other disciplines, such as psychology, history, English, political science, communication science, healthcare, development studies, sociology, and public administration. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Introduction to Critical Reasoning | 3 |
EAS-1010 General Earth ScienceIn General Earth Science students will discover how science has investigated the origin, structure, and operation of planet Earth. Beginning with the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago, the course will chronicle how the solar system and Earth were formed, the physical makeup of the planet, and the processes that result in its continuous transformation. Topics of particular emphasis will include the role and structure of the atmosphere, the movement of tectonic plates, earthquakes, volcanism, the formation and topography of ocean basins, the forms of erosion, and causes and impact of climate change. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | General Earth Science | 3 |
COS-1010 Introduction to ComputersThis course provides students with a broad, general introduction to hardware and software fundamentals, data and relational databases, networking, the internet, and security issues. Students also learn and practice basic programming concepts including variables, arithmetic operators, expressions and statements, strings, functions, conditionals, and iteration using the Python programming language. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Introduction to Computers | 3 |
LDR-3050 Foundations of LeadershipEmployees perceive some managers as difficult to work for and feel like they don't really "get it." Other individuals in management roles are so incredible they earn the respect and support of everyone who works for them. What makes some leaders flop and others shine? In today's world, there is a growing awareness of the need for effective leadership throughout organizations, communities, educational institutions, nonprofits, and government. In this course, students analyze major theories and models of leadership, evaluate the effectiveness of these theories in a practical context, and apply various leadership approaches through a case study format. In addition, students explore, expand, and improve their personal and practical approach to leadership and management for real-world applications. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Foundations of Leadership | 3 |
MAN-3760 Leadership CommunicationLeadership Communication is an introduction to the study and practice of leadership from a communication perspective with particular focus on understanding leading as a symbolic process. Students examine communication concepts and skills that will increase their effectiveness as leaders in a variety of leadership contexts (small group, organization, community, and society). Students also learn how to deal with issues of culture, gender, and ethics as well as how to handle crises and participate in leader development. Students will assess and develop their leadership communication styles, behavior, and skills, and apply course concepts to real-world settings. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Leadership Communication | 3 |
LDR-3450 Leading Organizational ChangeThis course builds on the ideas introduced in LDR-3050: Foundations of Leadership, strengthening the framework of the practice of leadership. Leading Organizational Change provides an in-depth exploration of the leader's primary role in organizational change and develops skills and tools that can be put to use in real leadership practice. Each student will have the opportunity to examine and discuss the leader's role, to consider how the leader can inform real or simulated change practice, and to reflect on how the leader plays a role in the success of any change initiative regardless of complexity. During this course the student engages in linking leadership theory used in Foundations of Leadership with the challenge of successfully navigating the process of implementing change initiatives. Advisory: This course is best taken after LDR-3050: Foundations of Leadership. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Leading Organizational Change | 3 |
PHI-3840 Ethics and the Business ProfessionalThis course prepares students to meet the ethical demands facing employees in modern business and nonprofit organizations. It addresses ethical issues surrounding personal moral development, interpersonal communication and relationships on the job, influence, groups and teams, leaders, followers, organizational climate and culture, and the organization's role in a global society. The course places particular emphasis on equipping participants with the concepts, strategies, and skills needed to improve individual and collective ethical performance. Students will assess and develop their abilities as ethical decision makers and actors. Advisory: This is an upper-level philosophy course. Students should have knowledge equivalent to an introductory philosophy course before enrolling. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Ethics and the Business Professional | 3 |
PSY-3630 Industrial PsychologyIndustrial Psychology emphasizes the application of psychological theories and research to staffing and development functions. Advisory: It is advisable to have knowledge in a course equivalent to PSY-1010: Introduction to Psychology or SOC-1010: Introduction to Sociology with a grade of C or better to succeed in this course. Students are responsible for making sure that they have the necessary knowledge. Study Methods:Credits: 3 | Industrial Psychology | 3 |
MKT-3100 Principles of SalesPrinciples of Sales is a comprehensive introduction to the principles of selling and the role of the professional salesperson in the marketing process. The course covers the characteristics and skills necessary for success in sales; techniques for identifying sales prospects and qualifying buyers; the importance of relationship building, product knowledge, and post sales service in long-term, consultative-style selling; territory and sales management; and selling in the global market. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Principles of Sales | 3 |
MKT-2010 Introduction to MarketingIntroduction to Marketing explores key marketing concepts and shows you how they apply to today's business practices. The course covers the essential knowledge and techniques managers need to compete successfully, whether in large companies or small businesses, profit-oriented firms or not-for-profit organizations. Topics include customer-oriented marketing strategies, buyers and markets, target market selection, and the marketing variables of products (and services), price, promotion, and distribution. Advisory: Advisory: Students who completed MKT-3010: Introduction to Marketing at Thomas Edison State University before August of 2018 should not take this course, as credit will not be awarded for both courses. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Introduction to Marketing | 3 |
Study Methods:Credits: | Negotiations and Conflict Management | 3 |
SOC-3220 Cultural Diversity in the United StatesCultural Diversity in the United States investigates and explains the cultural, racial, and ethnic diversities in the United States through the lens of sociological investigation. Using fundamental tools of sociological inquiry and cultural learning, students engage in a sociohistorical discovery of various waves of immigration, amalgamation, and assimilation to the United States. Political and policy initiatives that have affected diversity movements and the development of civil society in the United States are also examined. Advisory: This is an upper-level course. Students should have knowledge equivalent to an introductory sociology course. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Cultural Diversity in the United States | 3 |
COM-3300 Interpersonal CommunicationThis course examines the process of interpersonal communication from various perspectives, including dyadic interactions, how we perceive others, listening skills, emotions, language, and nonverbal communications. Interpersonal communication investigates subjects related to daily human interaction such as intimacy, deception, conflict, and conflict resolution. Advisory: This is an upper-level communications course. Students should have knowledge equivalent to an introductory communications course before enrolling. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Interpersonal Communication | 3 |
COM-3350 Intercultural CommunicationThis course presents a theoretical and practical approach to the study of intercultural communication. The course focuses on the many elements and processes involved in the sending and receiving of messages across cultures. The aim of the course is to increase sensitivity to and understanding of intercultural differences and similarities leading to more effective communication. The course covers basic concepts, principles, and practical skills for improving communication between persons from different ethnic, racial, religious, and cultural backgrounds. Advisory: This is an upper-level communications course. Students should have knowledge equivalent to an introductory communications course before enrolling Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Intercultural Communication | 3 |
MAN-3760 Leadership CommunicationLeadership Communication is an introduction to the study and practice of leadership from a communication perspective with particular focus on understanding leading as a symbolic process. Students examine communication concepts and skills that will increase their effectiveness as leaders in a variety of leadership contexts (small group, organization, community, and society). Students also learn how to deal with issues of culture, gender, and ethics as well as how to handle crises and participate in leader development. Students will assess and develop their leadership communication styles, behavior, and skills, and apply course concepts to real-world settings. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Leadership Communication | 3 |
MAN-3730 Managerial CommunicationsManagerial Communications is an upper-level undergraduate course that explores key theories and strategies of contemporary organizational communications. It recognizes that challenges exist for creating and implementing effective communication both inside organizations – between individuals and groups, and outside organizations – with markets, partners, and influential third parties. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Managerial Communications | 3 |
MKT-3060 Creating and Implementing the Electronic EnterpriseThis course explores how businesses use information technology to conduct commercial and private transactions as they manage their enterprises over computer networks. The evolution of business technology has far-reaching implications for a variety of markets—corporate, nonprofit, and the individual consumer. E-commerce coordinates a variety of integrated and networked technologies (including communications, expert systems, and databases) and affects the spectrum of managerial concerns. E-commerce activity focuses on information technologies and systems and has, in turn, created new technologies and platforms that impact traditional business practices and expanded business models. The course examines the nature of economic transactions and business management concerns within this evolving business environment. Advisory: This may be classified as either a marketing or a management course, depending on how it best fits the student's program. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Creating and Implementing the Electronic Enterprise | 3 |
LDR-4220 Leadership in a Global EnvironmentLeadership in a Global Environment focuses on major areas of international business and the environment within which business transactions take place. The main topics include current and developing paradigms for managing and leading in a global environment. This course also prepares students for leadership capacities and responsibilities for global management opportunities. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Leadership in a Global Environment | 3 |
MAN-3720 International ManagementThis course provides the student with knowledge of the complexities and opportunities of conducting business across national boundaries. Topics include international trade theory, foreign direct investment, and foreign exchange rates. Students will study the functions of management including diplomacy and the unique cultural customs and traditions that impact the business environment. International management topics such as various forms of business practices, business ethics, leadership, and human resource management will also be covered. Advisory: It is advisable to have knowledge in a course equivalent to MAN-2100: Principles of Management with a grade of C or better to succeed in this course. Students are responsible for making sure that they have the necessary knowledge. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | International Management | 3 |
MKT-4410 Marketing With Digital and Social MediaTechnology has transformed the ways marketers must approach operations, channels, and customers. Marketing professionals must look beyond current e-business fads to understand the fundamentals that will distinguish marketing leaders in the future. The focus of this course is using the internet for marketing, including how to drive new sales and dovetail customer support and service activities. This course examines the social media mix, cybersocial tools, content marketing, and metrics used to make informed decisions. Students are required to use various social media tools to better understand the subject matter. Advisory: It is advisable to have completed MKT-3060: Creating and Implementing the Electronic Enterprise or MKT-2010: Introduction to Marketing or a course in marketing management. Students will be required to set up and utilize several different social media accounts. Some examples of social media accounts include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Marketing with Digital and Social Media | 3 |
PSY-3600 Organizational TheoryOrganizational Theory explores organizational structures, processes, and outcomes. The approach to these issues is primarily analytical and theoretical. Specific concerns are presented within the context of the nature and types of organizations, organizational processes and environments, and organizational effectiveness. Students will also examine the history of organizational theory through the words and ideas of master theorists. Advisory: This is an upper-level course. Students should have knowledge equivalent to an introductory psychology course. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Organizational Theory | 3 |
MAN-4150 Change ManagementThis course provides students with an introduction to principles of managing change in organizations including different thinking styles regarding change management, and the basic principles that apply to any complex change process, and practical application on how to work with individuals, teams, and organizations to master change. The course provides students with knowledge of change and the change process, an understanding of the challenges to change, models to follow to manage change, and communication strategies regarding change and consolidating change into the organization. Study Methods:
Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Change Management | 3 |
BPS-4950 Bachelor of Science in Professional Studies CapstoneThe Bachelor of Science in Professional Studies Capstone provides engagement in a student-centered, content-related learning experience that serves as a summary and synthesis of a student's undergraduate academic career. The student selects a professional area of interest related to her or his career and engages in an activity leading to a research project. The culminating report is reflective of comprehensive competencies gained in undergraduate studies and demonstrates a student's knowledge of the outcomes of the Bachelor of Science in Professional Studies degree. Study Methods:Credits: 3 Preview the Online Syllabus | Bachelor of Science in Professional Studies Capstone | 3 |
For TESU course options, go to Elective Courses.
TESU accepts credits in transfer from accredited institutions as well as non-collegiate providers. View information and resources on where you may find additional learning experiences. |
Total Credit Hours: 120