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COM-2650 Communication in the Digital Age

This course offers an undergraduate-level study of digital media with emphasis on the uses of textual and visual media in digital spaces, such as websites, blogs, podcasts, and wikis. The course examines how digital media is extending the capabilities of traditional media and how digital media is altering the societal landscape. It investigates how digital technologies are changing the economic realities associated with media. This course provides opportunities for students who are interested in digital publication and those interested in theories of digital composition and rhetoric.

Study Methods:

Online Courses (COM-2650-OL):
Sep 2024,  Dec 2024,  Mar 2025,  Jun 2025

Credits: 3

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(Please visit the University bookstore to view the correct materials for each course by semester as the contents of the actual online syllabus may differ from the preview due to updates or revisions)