Graduate Courses
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Roles and Contemporary Issues (NUR-7610)
Family System Psychopathology and Psychotherapeutics Across the Lifespan (NUR-7620)
Government and Not-for-Profit Organization Accounting (ACC-5070)
Intermediate Accounting III (ACC-6010)
Advanced Accounting (ACC-6020)
Accounting Theory (ACC-6030)
Fundamentals of Accounting I (ACC-6040)
Fundamentals of Accounting II (ACC-6050)
Federal Taxation (ACC-6060)
Accounting and Information Systems Design and Implementation (ACC-6070)
Enhancing Performance in Technology Organizations (APS-6000)
Technology Innovation and Commercialization (APS-6010)
Managing People in Technology-Based Organizations (APS-6020)
Cost Estimation and Financial Management For Engineers and Technologists (APS-6100)
Master Project in Applied Science and Technology (APS-7000)
Air Carrier Operations (AVM-5020)
Airport Management and Operations (AVM-5030)
Aviation Economics and Fiscal Management (AVM-5040)
Human Resource Management and Labor Relations in Aviation (AVM-5050)
Leading Change in Complex Organizations (LCO-6100)
Leading Strategic Change (MSM-6200)
The Global Business Context: Trends, Issues, and Markets (DBA-8010)
Seminar in Economics and Finance: Models and Matrices of Sustainability (DBA-8020)
Seminar in Organizational Dynamics: Leadership, Culture, and Change (DBA-8030)
Seminar in Strategic Planning and Organizational Effectiveness (DBA-8040)
Seminar in Marketing and Entrepreneurship (DBA-8050)
Empirical Entrepreneurship: Data, Technology, and Business Intelligence (DBA-8060)
Seminar in Law, Ethics, and Global Society (DBA-8070)
Teaching Adults: Archetypes, Tools, and Tactics - Andragogy Lab (DBA-8080)
Organizational Consulting: Process Consultation, Avocation, and Business Sustainability (DBA-8090)
Seminar in Scholar-Practitioner Research (DBA-9050)
Scholar-Practitioner Field Project I - Research Methods, Project Identification, Framing, and Site Preparation (DBA-9100)
Scholar-Practitioner Field Project II - Research Methods Supervised Practicum: Data Collection and Analysis (DBA-9200)
Scholar-Practitioner Field Project III - Project Completion, Presentation, and Publishing (DBA-9300)
Seminar in Global Human Resource Management (HRM-8010)
Seminar in Human Resource Leadership (HRM-8030)
Seminar in Leadership and Culture: Organizational and National Perspectives (OML-8020)
Seminar in Leading Change for Innovation, Sustainability, and Competitive Advantage (OML-8030)
Auditing and Accounting Information Systems (ACC-7010)
Financial Essentials for Accountants (ACC-7020)
Emerging Issues in Accounting (ACC-7030)
Business Forecasting (BFO-7010)
Data Analytics and Visualization With Capstone Project (DAA-7030)
Predictive Analytics for Business Intelligence (DAM-7020)
Digital Marketing Analytics (DMA-7040)
Entrepreneurship (ENP-7320)
Ethics for Managers (ETM-7500)
Financial Management (FIN-7100)
Global Marketing (GMK-7030)
Global Strategic Management (GSM-7300)
Healthcare Delivery (HCD-7030)
Healthcare Finance (HCF-7010)
Healthcare Law (HCL-7040)
Strategic Management within a Healthcare Organization (HCO-7020)
Human Resource Management - Talent Management (HRM-7600)
Human Resource Management in the 21st Century Global Workplace (HRM-7610)
Human Capital Management in Multicultural Organizations (HRM-7620)
The HRM Professional and Attorney Relationship (HRM-7630)
Technology, Data, and Analytics as Change Agents (HRM-7640)
Investments (INV-7110)
MBA Capstone (MBA-7300)
Management Communications (MCO-7400)
Marketing Management (MKM-7000)
Managerial Statistics (MST-7000)
Negotiations (NEG-7310)
Organizational Research (ORR-7100)
Project Management (PJM-7210)
Social Media Marketing (SOM-7020)
Strategic Operations Management (SOP-7200)
Designing a Business Case for Sustainability (SUS-7000)
Topics in Global Finance (TGF-7130)
Advanced Professional and Business Writing (COM-6200)
Network Defense and Security (CYB-5200)
Foundations of Utility Cybersecurity (CYB-5210)
Cybersecurity Risk Management in Utility Environments (CYB-5220)
Protective Security Controls in Utility Systems and Networks (CYB-5230)
Monitoring, Detection, Response, and Recovery in Utility Environments (CYB-5240)
Integrating Cybersecurity into the System Life Cycle (CYB-5250)
Operating Systems Security (CYB-5300)
Cryptography and Data Security (CYB-5400)
Software and Applications Security (CYB-5500)
Cyber Forensics and Investigation (CYB-5600)
Cyber Risk Management and Incident Response (CYB-5700)
Cybersecurity Strategy, Governance, and Ethics (CYB-5800)
Special Topics in Cybersecurity (CYB-6900)
Capstone in Cybersecurity (CYB-7000)

Data Warehouse Design (DTM-5320)
Data Analytics (DTM-5330)
Information Retrieval (DTM-5340)
Data Mining and Knowledge Management (DTM-5350)

Programming 1: R (DSI-5060)
Programming 2: Python (DSI-5070)
Programming 2: R (DSI-5080)
Natural Language Processing I (DSI-5090)
Forecasting Analytics (DSI-5100)
Introduction to Network Analysis (DSI-5110)
SQL - Introduction to Database Queries (DSI-5300)
Predictive Analytics 1 - Machine Learning Tools - with Python (DSI-6010)
Predictive Analytics 2 - Neural Nets and Regression - with Python (DSI-6020)
Predictive Analytics 3 - Dimension Reduction, Clustering, and Association Rules - with Python (DSI-6030)
Predictive Analytics 1 - Machine Learning Tools - with R (DSI-6040)
Predictive Analytics 2 - Neural Nets and Regression - with R (DSI-6050)
Predictive Analytics 3 - Dimension Reduction, Clustering, and Association Rules - with R (DSI-6060)
R Programming Intermediate (DSI-6080)
Optimization - Linear Programming (DSI-6100)
Natural Language Processing II (DSI-6110)
Anolmaly Detection (DSI-6130)
Customer Analytics in R (DSI-6140)
Integer and Nonlinear Programming and Network Flow (DSI-6210)
Interactive Data Visualization (DSI-6220)
Regression Analysis (DSI-6230)
Risk Simulation and Queuing (DSI-6250)
Spatial Statistics with Geographic Information Systems (DSI-6400)
Applied Predictive Analytics (DSI-7000)
Digital Communication (DHM-6100)
Social Media and Social Change (DHM-6200)
Mapping Time, Space, and Identity (DHM-7100)
Seminar in Organizational Dynamics: Leadership, Culture and Change (EDD-8030)
Seminar in Strategic Planning and Organizational Effectiveness (EDD-8040)
Teaching Adults: Archetypes, Tools and Tactics - Andragogy Lab (EDD-8080)
Organizational Consulting: Process Consultation, Avocation and Business Sustainability (EDD-8090)
Seminars in Cultures of Change: Anatomies of Transition and Transformation (EDD-8200)
Seminar in Global Leadership: Enigmas and Exemplars (EDD-8500)
Seminar in Organizational Psychology: Psychology of Leadership, Organizational Learning and Organizational Behavior (EDD-8600)
Ethical Leadership and Cultural Competency in the 21st Century (EDD-8800)
Seminar in Scholar-Practitioner Research (EDD-9050)
Scholar-Practitioner Field Project I - Research Methods, Project Identification, Framing and Site Preparation (EDD-9100)
Scholar-Practitioner Field Project II - Research Methods Supervised Practicum: Data Collection and Analysis (EDD-9200)
Scholar-Practitioner Field Project III - Project Completion, Presentation and Publishing (EDD-9300)

Strategic Leadership for Systems Change (EDL-5020)
Inquiry and Evidence in the School Context (EDL-5100)
Standards-Based Curriculum Development, Pre-K - 12 (EDL-5200)
Critical Issues and Theories in Curriculum Design and Evaluation, Pre-K - 12 (EDL-5300)
Staff Supervision and Systems for Professional Learning (EDL-5400)
School Law (EDL-5500)
Supervising Equitable Learning Organizations (EDL-6600)
Technology of Instruction and Administration (EDL-6700)
School Finance (EDL-6800)
Developing School and Community Partnerships (EDL-6900)
Field-Based Internship and Professional Portfolio for Building Administrators I (EDL-7000)
Field-Based Internship and Professional Portfolio for Building Administrators II (EDL-7100)
School District Administration (EDL-8000)
Field-Based Internship for District Administrators (EDL-8100)
Curriculum Development in Educational Technology (EDT-5100)
Leadership and Supervision in Educational Technology (EDT-5200)
Capstone Project in Educational Technology and Online Learning (EDT-7000)
Practicum in Educational Technology and Online Learning (EDT-7100)
Theory and Culture of Online Learning (OLT-5100)
Learning Technology as an Issue in Online Learning (OLT-5200)
Issues in Instructional Design in Online Learning (OLT-6300)
Communication and Interactivity in Online Learning (OLT-6400)
Legal/Policy/Regulatory Issues in Emergency Management (EDM-6100)
Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness Strategies (EDM-6200)
All-Hazards Response and Recovery Planning (EDM-6300)

Financial Statement Analysis (FSA-7120)
Geropsychological Assessment (GER-6100)
Geropsychological Interventions (GER-6200)
Geropsychological Consultation (GER-7100)
Clinical Informatics (HIT-5420)
Electronic Health Records Management (HIT-5430)
Telehealth Systems (HIT-5440)
Legal, Ethical, and Social Issues in Health Informatics (HIT-5450)
Organization of the Healthcare Value Chain (HCM-5010)
Healthcare Administrator Leadership (HCM-5020)
Quality Improvement Strategies in Healthcare (HCM-5030)
Natural Disasters and Security Planning (HLS-5010)
Foundations of Homeland Security (HLS-5050)
Protecting the Homeland: Balancing Security and Liberty (HLS-5100)
Legal and Ethical Issues (HLS-6110)
Homeland Security Preparedness: Prevention and Deterrence (HLS-6200)
Technology and Information Security (HLS-6250)
Protecting the Homeland: Response and Recovery (HLS-6300)
Funding and Program Administration for Homeland Security (HLS-6400)
Lifestyle Benefits and Compensation in The New Millennium (HRM-5400)
Strategic Recruitment and Selection (HRM-5500)
The Entrepreneurial Organization: Learning as Competitive Advantage (HRM-5600)
The Effectiveness of a Market-Connected Culture (HRM-5700)
Managing the Human Resources Enterprise (HRM-6000)
Human Resources as a Strategic Partner (HRM-6100)
The Legal and Ethical Environment of Human Resources (HRM-6200)
Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Attacks (IAS-5520)
Countermeasures Design and Implementation (IAS-5530)
Policies and Procedures Development and Implementation (IAS-5540)
Computer Forensics and Information Systems Auditing (IAS-5550)
Telecommunications and Networking (MSI-5020)
Object-Oriented Application Development (MSI-5030)
Information Systems Analysis, Modeling, and Design (MSI-5040)
Principles of Database Design (MSI-5050)
Operating Systems (MSI-5060)
Corporate and Managerial Finance (IBF-5040)
Financial Modeling (IBF-5070)
Liberal Arts and Professional Life (LAP-5000)
Capstone I (MLS-7000)
Capstone II (MLS-7100)
Sense of Community I: Art and Morality (SAM-5010)
Sense of Community II: Faith and Reason (SAM-5020)
The Species, the Individual, and Community (SIC-5200)
Technology and the Human Community: Challenges and Responses (THC-6250)
Management Capstone (MAN-6300)
Organizational Management and Leadership in Public Service (MNP-5050)
Project Management in Public Service (MNP-5100)
Leading Strategic Change in Public Service (MNP-5150)
Economic Issues for Public Service Managers (MNP-5200)
Human Resource Management for Public Service (MNP-5300)
Finance and Accounting for Managers in Public Service (MNP-5400)
Nonprofit Management (NPM-5020)
Nonprofit Governance and Board Leadership (NPM-6100)
Program Analysis and Evaluation (MPL-5200)
Public Service Leadership and Governance (MPL-5800)
Law, Ethics, and Decision Making in the Public Sector (MPL-5820)
Public Service Capstone (MPL-7100)
Community and Economic Development and Leadership (MSP-5200)
Advanced Studies in Healthcare (MSP-5400)
Epidemiology (MSP-5420)
Legal Issues in Healthcare (MSP-6420)
Practical Grant Writing (MSP-6620)
Volunteer Management (MSP-6640)
Municipal Finance (MSP-6740)
Finance and Budgeting for Nonprofits (MSP-6780)
Market Research (MKR-7000)
Wireless and Mobile Networks (NET-5620)
Pervasive and Cloud Computing (NET-5630)
Large-Scale Network Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (NET-5640)
Network Security (NET-5650)

Criticality Safety (NUC-5020)
Current Issues and Case Studies (NUC-5030)
US Health Policy and Global Health (NUR-5290)
Evidence-Based Nursing Practice (NUR-5300)
Nursing Informatics: Concepts and Issues (NUR-5310)
Financial Management in Nursing Practice (NUR-5820)
History of American Nursing (NUR-6130)
Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies in Nursing Education (NUR-6300)
Nursing Informatics: Systems Life Cycle (NUR-6310)
Nursing Administration: Standards and Structures (NUR-6320)
Healthcare Professional Precepting: Ensuring Career Success (NUR-6340)
Advanced Pathophysiology (NUR-6400)
Advanced Pharmacology (NUR-6500)
Curriculum Theory and Development in Nursing Education (NUR-7000)
Nursing Informatics: Databases and Knowledge Management (NUR-7010)
Nursing Administration: Executive Managerial Process (NUR-7020)
Testing, Assessment, and Evaluation (NUR-7100)
Nursing Informatics: Consumer Informatics and Communications Technologies (NUR-7110)
Nursing Administration: Resource Acquisition and Management (NUR-7120)
Advanced Practice Practicum Course (NUR-7510)
Advanced Practice Elective Practicum Course (NUR-7511)
Biostatistics and Clinical Epidemiology (NUR-7630)
DNP Role Development (NUR-8000)
Scholarly Inquiry: The Basis for Evidence-Based Practice (NUR-8050)
Health, Healthcare Policy, and Politics (NUR-8100)
Information Systems and Technology Impacting Healthcare Delivery (NUR-8150)
Integrating and Evaluating Population Health in Advanced Nursing Practice (NUR-8200)
Health Economics and Finance (NUR-8250)
Organizational and Systems Leadership I (NUR-8320)
Organizational and Systems Leadership II (NUR-8420)
Scholarly Immersion I: Project Identification and Mentored Practicum (NUR-9020)
Scholarly Immersion II: Project Management and Mentored Practicum (NUR-9120)
Scholarly Immersion III: Project Completion and Mentored Practicum (NUR-9220)
Organizational Management and Leadership II (OML-6200)
Contemporary Issues in Leadership (OML-6300)
Leadership and Management in the 21st Century (ORG-5020)
Organizational Research (ORR-5100)
Project Leadership and Communication (PJM-5200)
Project Risk Management (PJM-5300)
Procurement and Vendor Management (PJM-5400)
Global Project Management (PJM-6400)
Psychological Factors in Selecting and Growing Organizational Talent (IOP-6100)
Unearthing and Enhancing Organizational Talent through Psychology (IOP-6200)
The Psychology of Leadership, Motivation, and Teamwork (IOP-7100)
Organizational Theory (PSY-6300)
Software Modeling and Analysis (SWT-5720)
Secure Software Design and Development (SWT-5730)
Software Product Development and Quality Management (SWT-5740)
Software Systems Integration (SWT-5750)
Family System Psychopathology and Psychotherapeutics Across the Lifespan (NUR-7620)
Principles of Forensic Accounting (ACC-5010)Government and Not-for-Profit Organization Accounting (ACC-5070)
Intermediate Accounting III (ACC-6010)
Advanced Accounting (ACC-6020)
Accounting Theory (ACC-6030)
Fundamentals of Accounting I (ACC-6040)
Fundamentals of Accounting II (ACC-6050)
Federal Taxation (ACC-6060)
Accounting and Information Systems Design and Implementation (ACC-6070)
Applied Science and Technology
Project Management for Technology (APS-5100)Enhancing Performance in Technology Organizations (APS-6000)
Technology Innovation and Commercialization (APS-6010)
Managing People in Technology-Based Organizations (APS-6020)

Cost Estimation and Financial Management For Engineers and Technologists (APS-6100)
Master Project in Applied Science and Technology (APS-7000)
Aviation Management
Aviation Safety and Security Programs Management (AVM-5010)Air Carrier Operations (AVM-5020)
Airport Management and Operations (AVM-5030)
Aviation Economics and Fiscal Management (AVM-5040)

Human Resource Management and Labor Relations in Aviation (AVM-5050)
Economic Issues in Organizations (EIO-5200)Leading Change in Complex Organizations (LCO-6100)
Leading Strategic Change (MSM-6200)
Business Administration - Doctor of Business Administration
Critical Thought and Informed Action: Models of Decision Making and Organization Achievement (DBA-8000)The Global Business Context: Trends, Issues, and Markets (DBA-8010)

Seminar in Economics and Finance: Models and Matrices of Sustainability (DBA-8020)

Seminar in Organizational Dynamics: Leadership, Culture, and Change (DBA-8030)
Seminar in Strategic Planning and Organizational Effectiveness (DBA-8040)
Seminar in Marketing and Entrepreneurship (DBA-8050)

Empirical Entrepreneurship: Data, Technology, and Business Intelligence (DBA-8060)
Seminar in Law, Ethics, and Global Society (DBA-8070)

Teaching Adults: Archetypes, Tools, and Tactics - Andragogy Lab (DBA-8080)

Organizational Consulting: Process Consultation, Avocation, and Business Sustainability (DBA-8090)
Seminar in Scholar-Practitioner Research (DBA-9050)

Scholar-Practitioner Field Project I - Research Methods, Project Identification, Framing, and Site Preparation (DBA-9100)
Scholar-Practitioner Field Project II - Research Methods Supervised Practicum: Data Collection and Analysis (DBA-9200)

Scholar-Practitioner Field Project III - Project Completion, Presentation, and Publishing (DBA-9300)

Seminar in Global Human Resource Management (HRM-8010)
Seminar in Human Resource Leadership (HRM-8030)
Seminar in Leadership and Culture: Organizational and National Perspectives (OML-8020)
Seminar in Leading Change for Innovation, Sustainability, and Competitive Advantage (OML-8030)
Business Administration - Master of Business Administration
Managerial Accounting for Decision Making (ACC-7000)Auditing and Accounting Information Systems (ACC-7010)
Financial Essentials for Accountants (ACC-7020)
Emerging Issues in Accounting (ACC-7030)
Business Forecasting (BFO-7010)

Data Analytics and Visualization With Capstone Project (DAA-7030)
Predictive Analytics for Business Intelligence (DAM-7020)
Digital Marketing Analytics (DMA-7040)
Entrepreneurship (ENP-7320)
Ethics for Managers (ETM-7500)

Financial Management (FIN-7100)
Global Marketing (GMK-7030)
Global Strategic Management (GSM-7300)
Healthcare Delivery (HCD-7030)
Healthcare Finance (HCF-7010)
Healthcare Law (HCL-7040)

Strategic Management within a Healthcare Organization (HCO-7020)
Human Resource Management - Talent Management (HRM-7600)
Human Resource Management in the 21st Century Global Workplace (HRM-7610)
Human Capital Management in Multicultural Organizations (HRM-7620)
The HRM Professional and Attorney Relationship (HRM-7630)
Technology, Data, and Analytics as Change Agents (HRM-7640)
Investments (INV-7110)
MBA Capstone (MBA-7300)
Management Communications (MCO-7400)
Marketing Management (MKM-7000)
Managerial Statistics (MST-7000)
Negotiations (NEG-7310)
Organizational Research (ORR-7100)
Project Management (PJM-7210)
Social Media Marketing (SOM-7020)
Strategic Operations Management (SOP-7200)
Designing a Business Case for Sustainability (SUS-7000)
Topics in Global Finance (TGF-7130)
Professional Communications Theory (COM-6100)Advanced Professional and Business Writing (COM-6200)
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR-6100)Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity Foundations (CYB-5100)Network Defense and Security (CYB-5200)
Foundations of Utility Cybersecurity (CYB-5210)
Cybersecurity Risk Management in Utility Environments (CYB-5220)
Protective Security Controls in Utility Systems and Networks (CYB-5230)
Monitoring, Detection, Response, and Recovery in Utility Environments (CYB-5240)
Integrating Cybersecurity into the System Life Cycle (CYB-5250)
Operating Systems Security (CYB-5300)
Cryptography and Data Security (CYB-5400)
Software and Applications Security (CYB-5500)
Cyber Forensics and Investigation (CYB-5600)
Cyber Risk Management and Incident Response (CYB-5700)
Cybersecurity Strategy, Governance, and Ethics (CYB-5800)
Special Topics in Cybersecurity (CYB-6900)

Capstone in Cybersecurity (CYB-7000)

Data Management
Advanced Database Systems (DTM-5310)
Data Warehouse Design (DTM-5320)
Data Analytics (DTM-5330)
Information Retrieval (DTM-5340)
Data Mining and Knowledge Management (DTM-5350)
Data Science
Programming 1: Python (DSI-5050)
Programming 1: R (DSI-5060)
Programming 2: Python (DSI-5070)

Programming 2: R (DSI-5080)
Natural Language Processing I (DSI-5090)
Forecasting Analytics (DSI-5100)
Introduction to Network Analysis (DSI-5110)
SQL - Introduction to Database Queries (DSI-5300)
Predictive Analytics 1 - Machine Learning Tools - with Python (DSI-6010)
Predictive Analytics 2 - Neural Nets and Regression - with Python (DSI-6020)
Predictive Analytics 3 - Dimension Reduction, Clustering, and Association Rules - with Python (DSI-6030)
Predictive Analytics 1 - Machine Learning Tools - with R (DSI-6040)
Predictive Analytics 2 - Neural Nets and Regression - with R (DSI-6050)
Predictive Analytics 3 - Dimension Reduction, Clustering, and Association Rules - with R (DSI-6060)
R Programming Intermediate (DSI-6080)
Optimization - Linear Programming (DSI-6100)
Natural Language Processing II (DSI-6110)
Anolmaly Detection (DSI-6130)
Customer Analytics in R (DSI-6140)

Integer and Nonlinear Programming and Network Flow (DSI-6210)
Interactive Data Visualization (DSI-6220)
Regression Analysis (DSI-6230)
Risk Simulation and Queuing (DSI-6250)
Spatial Statistics with Geographic Information Systems (DSI-6400)
Applied Predictive Analytics (DSI-7000)

Digital Humanities
Introduction to Digital Humanities (DHM-5100)Digital Communication (DHM-6100)
Social Media and Social Change (DHM-6200)
Mapping Time, Space, and Identity (DHM-7100)
Education - Doctor of Education
Critical Thought and Informed Action: Models of Decision Making and Organization Achievement (EDD-8000)Seminar in Organizational Dynamics: Leadership, Culture and Change (EDD-8030)
Seminar in Strategic Planning and Organizational Effectiveness (EDD-8040)
Teaching Adults: Archetypes, Tools and Tactics - Andragogy Lab (EDD-8080)
Organizational Consulting: Process Consultation, Avocation and Business Sustainability (EDD-8090)
Seminars in Cultures of Change: Anatomies of Transition and Transformation (EDD-8200)
Seminar in Global Leadership: Enigmas and Exemplars (EDD-8500)
Seminar in Organizational Psychology: Psychology of Leadership, Organizational Learning and Organizational Behavior (EDD-8600)
Ethical Leadership and Cultural Competency in the 21st Century (EDD-8800)
Seminar in Scholar-Practitioner Research (EDD-9050)
Scholar-Practitioner Field Project I - Research Methods, Project Identification, Framing and Site Preparation (EDD-9100)
Scholar-Practitioner Field Project II - Research Methods Supervised Practicum: Data Collection and Analysis (EDD-9200)
Scholar-Practitioner Field Project III - Project Completion, Presentation and Publishing (EDD-9300)
Educational Leadership
Effective Leadership - From Theory to Practice (EDL-5000)
Strategic Leadership for Systems Change (EDL-5020)
Inquiry and Evidence in the School Context (EDL-5100)
Standards-Based Curriculum Development, Pre-K - 12 (EDL-5200)
Critical Issues and Theories in Curriculum Design and Evaluation, Pre-K - 12 (EDL-5300)
Staff Supervision and Systems for Professional Learning (EDL-5400)
School Law (EDL-5500)
Supervising Equitable Learning Organizations (EDL-6600)
Technology of Instruction and Administration (EDL-6700)
School Finance (EDL-6800)
Developing School and Community Partnerships (EDL-6900)
Field-Based Internship and Professional Portfolio for Building Administrators I (EDL-7000)
Field-Based Internship and Professional Portfolio for Building Administrators II (EDL-7100)
School District Administration (EDL-8000)
Field-Based Internship for District Administrators (EDL-8100)

Educational Technology
Foundations of Educational Technology: Theories and Practices (EDT-5000)Curriculum Development in Educational Technology (EDT-5100)
Leadership and Supervision in Educational Technology (EDT-5200)
Capstone Project in Educational Technology and Online Learning (EDT-7000)

Practicum in Educational Technology and Online Learning (EDT-7100)
Theory and Culture of Online Learning (OLT-5100)
Learning Technology as an Issue in Online Learning (OLT-5200)
Issues in Instructional Design in Online Learning (OLT-6300)
Communication and Interactivity in Online Learning (OLT-6400)
Emergency Management
Principles of Emergency Management (EDM-5000)Legal/Policy/Regulatory Issues in Emergency Management (EDM-6100)
Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness Strategies (EDM-6200)
All-Hazards Response and Recovery Planning (EDM-6300)

Ethics for Managers (ETH-5900)
Finance and Accounting for Managers (FAM-5400)Financial Statement Analysis (FSA-7120)
Adult Development and Aging (GER-5100)Geropsychological Assessment (GER-6100)
Geropsychological Interventions (GER-6200)
Geropsychological Consultation (GER-7100)
Health Information Technology
Foundations in Health Informatics (HIT-5410)Clinical Informatics (HIT-5420)
Electronic Health Records Management (HIT-5430)
Telehealth Systems (HIT-5440)
Legal, Ethical, and Social Issues in Health Informatics (HIT-5450)
Healthcare Management
21st Century Healthcare Systems (HCM-5000)Organization of the Healthcare Value Chain (HCM-5010)
Healthcare Administrator Leadership (HCM-5020)
Quality Improvement Strategies in Healthcare (HCM-5030)
Homeland Security
Terrorism and Homeland Security in the U.S. (HLS-5000)Natural Disasters and Security Planning (HLS-5010)
Foundations of Homeland Security (HLS-5050)
Protecting the Homeland: Balancing Security and Liberty (HLS-5100)
Legal and Ethical Issues (HLS-6110)
Homeland Security Preparedness: Prevention and Deterrence (HLS-6200)
Technology and Information Security (HLS-6250)
Protecting the Homeland: Response and Recovery (HLS-6300)
Funding and Program Administration for Homeland Security (HLS-6400)
Human Resources
Human Resources Management (HRM-5300)Lifestyle Benefits and Compensation in The New Millennium (HRM-5400)
Strategic Recruitment and Selection (HRM-5500)
The Entrepreneurial Organization: Learning as Competitive Advantage (HRM-5600)
The Effectiveness of a Market-Connected Culture (HRM-5700)

Managing the Human Resources Enterprise (HRM-6000)

Human Resources as a Strategic Partner (HRM-6100)

The Legal and Ethical Environment of Human Resources (HRM-6200)
Information Assurance
Foundations of Information Assurance (IAS-5510)Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Attacks (IAS-5520)
Countermeasures Design and Implementation (IAS-5530)
Policies and Procedures Development and Implementation (IAS-5540)
Computer Forensics and Information Systems Auditing (IAS-5550)
Information Technology
Foundations of Information Technology (MSI-5010)Telecommunications and Networking (MSI-5020)
Object-Oriented Application Development (MSI-5030)
Information Systems Analysis, Modeling, and Design (MSI-5040)
Principles of Database Design (MSI-5050)
Operating Systems (MSI-5060)
International Business Finance
U.S. and International Accounting (IBF-5030)Corporate and Managerial Finance (IBF-5040)
Financial Modeling (IBF-5070)
Liberal Studies
Change, Conflict, and Resolution (CCR-6100)Liberal Arts and Professional Life (LAP-5000)
Capstone I (MLS-7000)

Capstone II (MLS-7100)

Sense of Community I: Art and Morality (SAM-5010)

Sense of Community II: Faith and Reason (SAM-5020)
The Species, the Individual, and Community (SIC-5200)
Technology and the Human Community: Challenges and Responses (THC-6250)
Global Management (GLM-5500)Management Capstone (MAN-6300)

Management Nonprofit
Leadership and Management in Public Service in the 21st Century (MNP-5020)Organizational Management and Leadership in Public Service (MNP-5050)
Project Management in Public Service (MNP-5100)
Leading Strategic Change in Public Service (MNP-5150)
Economic Issues for Public Service Managers (MNP-5200)
Human Resource Management for Public Service (MNP-5300)
Finance and Accounting for Managers in Public Service (MNP-5400)
Nonprofit Management (NPM-5020)
Nonprofit Governance and Board Leadership (NPM-6100)
Management Public Service Leadership
Research Methods in Public Service (MPL-5100)Program Analysis and Evaluation (MPL-5200)
Public Service Leadership and Governance (MPL-5800)
Law, Ethics, and Decision Making in the Public Sector (MPL-5820)
Public Service Capstone (MPL-7100)

Community and Economic Development and Leadership (MSP-5200)
Advanced Studies in Healthcare (MSP-5400)
Epidemiology (MSP-5420)
Legal Issues in Healthcare (MSP-6420)
Practical Grant Writing (MSP-6620)
Volunteer Management (MSP-6640)
Municipal Finance (MSP-6740)
Finance and Budgeting for Nonprofits (MSP-6780)
Marketing Management (MKM-5600)Market Research (MKR-7000)
Network Management
Designing Large-Scale Systems: Routing, Switching, and Broadband (NET-5610)Wireless and Mobile Networks (NET-5620)
Pervasive and Cloud Computing (NET-5630)
Large-Scale Network Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (NET-5640)
Network Security (NET-5650)
Atmospheric Dispersion of Radioisotopes (NUC-5010)
Criticality Safety (NUC-5020)
Current Issues and Case Studies (NUC-5030)

Advanced Health Assessment (NUR-5160)US Health Policy and Global Health (NUR-5290)
Evidence-Based Nursing Practice (NUR-5300)
Nursing Informatics: Concepts and Issues (NUR-5310)
Financial Management in Nursing Practice (NUR-5820)
History of American Nursing (NUR-6130)
Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies in Nursing Education (NUR-6300)
Nursing Informatics: Systems Life Cycle (NUR-6310)
Nursing Administration: Standards and Structures (NUR-6320)
Healthcare Professional Precepting: Ensuring Career Success (NUR-6340)
Advanced Pathophysiology (NUR-6400)
Advanced Pharmacology (NUR-6500)
Curriculum Theory and Development in Nursing Education (NUR-7000)
Nursing Informatics: Databases and Knowledge Management (NUR-7010)
Nursing Administration: Executive Managerial Process (NUR-7020)
Testing, Assessment, and Evaluation (NUR-7100)
Nursing Informatics: Consumer Informatics and Communications Technologies (NUR-7110)
Nursing Administration: Resource Acquisition and Management (NUR-7120)
Advanced Practice Practicum Course (NUR-7510)
Advanced Practice Elective Practicum Course (NUR-7511)
Biostatistics and Clinical Epidemiology (NUR-7630)
DNP Role Development (NUR-8000)
Scholarly Inquiry: The Basis for Evidence-Based Practice (NUR-8050)
Health, Healthcare Policy, and Politics (NUR-8100)
Information Systems and Technology Impacting Healthcare Delivery (NUR-8150)

Integrating and Evaluating Population Health in Advanced Nursing Practice (NUR-8200)
Health Economics and Finance (NUR-8250)
Organizational and Systems Leadership I (NUR-8320)
Organizational and Systems Leadership II (NUR-8420)
Scholarly Immersion I: Project Identification and Mentored Practicum (NUR-9020)
Scholarly Immersion II: Project Management and Mentored Practicum (NUR-9120)
Scholarly Immersion III: Project Completion and Mentored Practicum (NUR-9220)
Organizational Management
Organizational Management and Leadership I (OML-6100)Organizational Management and Leadership II (OML-6200)
Contemporary Issues in Leadership (OML-6300)
Leadership and Management in the 21st Century (ORG-5020)
Organizational Research (ORR-5100)
Project Management
Project Management (PJM-5100)Project Leadership and Communication (PJM-5200)
Project Risk Management (PJM-5300)
Procurement and Vendor Management (PJM-5400)
Global Project Management (PJM-6400)
Industrial and Organizational Psychology (IOP-5100)Psychological Factors in Selecting and Growing Organizational Talent (IOP-6100)
Unearthing and Enhancing Organizational Talent through Psychology (IOP-6200)
The Psychology of Leadership, Motivation, and Teamwork (IOP-7100)
Organizational Theory (PSY-6300)
Software Engineering
Software Design and Architecture (SWT-5710)Software Modeling and Analysis (SWT-5720)
Secure Software Design and Development (SWT-5730)
Software Product Development and Quality Management (SWT-5740)
Software Systems Integration (SWT-5750)