Graduate Courses

DBA-9100 Scholar-Practitioner Field Project I - Research Methods, Project Identification, Framing, and Site Preparation

This is the first of the three consecutive Scholar-Practitioner Field Project (SPFP) courses of the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree. The course focuses on writing the first two sections of the degree culminating field project. The student works collaboratively with the Capstone mentor to write the field project overview section and the literature review that integrates and applies key knowledge acquired from the DBA curriculum. The central focus of the course is describing the problem through information in the industry literature, defining the methodology, and writing a concise literature review supported by evidence-based literature and contemporary field experience. Key field project products completed in this course include: the field project overview section and literature review.

Advisory: All milestones in DBA-9100 must be completed and approved before students will be allowed to enroll in DBA-9200.

Credits: 3

Offered in Jan 2025, Mar 2025, May 2025

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