All TECEP® Tests

Which TECEP tests fulfill General Education requirements?

English Composition

Writing for Success (ENC-1010-TE)
Writing for Success II (ENC-1020-TE)


Public Speaking (COM-2090-TE)
Exam only available in online format
Public Relations Thought and Practice (COM-2100-TE)
Learning in the Digital Age (DGL-1010-TE)
Exam only available in online format
Technical Writing (ENG-2010-TE)
Technical Communication (ENG-2020-TE)
Exam only available in online format
Environmental Ethics (ETH-2100-TE)
World History from 1600 to Present (HIS-1260-TE)
Introduction to News Reporting (JOU-1100-TE)
Introduction To Critical Reasoning (PHI-1300-TE)

Social Sciences

Microeconomics (ECO-1120-TE)
Introduction to Political Science (POS-1010-TE)
Introduction to Comparative Politics (POS-2820-TE)
Psychology of Gender (PSY-2700-TE)
Abnormal Psychology (PSY-3500-TE)
Our Changing World: an Introduction to Sociology (SOC-1010-TE)
Marriage and the Family (SOC-2100-TE)

Natural Sciences/Mathematics

Introduction to Biology (BIO-1010-TE)
The Science of Nutrition (BIO-2080-TE)
Introduction to Meteorology (EAS-1311-TE)
Applied Liberal Arts Mathematics (MAT-1050-TE)
College Algebra (MAT-1210-TE)
Principles of Statistics (STA-2010-TE)

Business and Management

Principles of Financial Accounting (ACC-1010-TE)
Principles of Managerial Accounting (ACC-1020-TE)
Federal Income Taxation (ACC-4210-TE)
Introduction to Business (BUS-1010-TE)
Business in Society (BUS-3110-TE)
Computer Concepts and Applications (CIS-1070-TE)
Security Analysis and Portfolio Management (FIN-3210-TE)
Financial Institutions and Markets (FIN-3310-TE)
Introduction to Entrepreneurship (MAN-2300-TE)
Managerial Communications (MAN-3730-TE)
Introduction to Marketing (MKT-2010-TE)
Marketing Communications (MKT-3210-TE)
Sales Management (MKT-3220-TE)
Advertising (MKT-3230-TE)
Negotiations and Conflict Management (NEG-4010-TE)
Operations Management (OPM-3010-TE)

Computer Science Technology

Network Technology (CMP-3540-TE)

Applied Science and Technology

Medical Terminology (APS-1000-TE)
Radiation Safety Officer (APS-2890-TE)