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This site provides information using PDF, visit this link to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software.
Computer Architecture covers the nature and limitations of computers. The CPU is covered in detail, including processor, control, and memory design. Data path design and the ALU – both fixed and floating-point arithmetic – are covered. The course also includes pipeline and super scalar processing. Finally the I/O system is studied in some detail.
Advisory: It is advisable to have completed two computer science courses prior to enrolling in this course. Also, it would be helpful (but it is not required) for students to take a course in discrete mathematics as a co-requisite. However, it is expected that all students who are taking this course have the mathematical maturity gained in a year of college-level mathematics (such as calculus or discrete mathematics).
Credits: 3
Preview the Online Syllabus
(Please visit the University bookstore to view the correct materials for each course by semester as the contents of the actual online syllabus may differ from the preview due to updates or revisions)