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CRJ-3100 Criminal Law

This course will explore criminal law from a variety of perspectives. Students will examine the basic elements of crimes, including actus reus and mens rea; general doctrines of criminal liability, such as complicity, causation, attempt, and conspiracy; and an example of substantive crime grading (homicide). Other topics covered include inchoate crime, crimes against persons, crimes against property, and defenses that the accused might raise. Finally, students will explore current cases and jurisdictions across the country, as criminal law does not constitute a uniform body of rules across jurisdictions.

Study Methods:

Online Courses (CRJ-3100-OL):
Oct 2024,  Apr 2025

Credits: 3

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(Please visit the University bookstore to view the correct materials for each course by semester as the contents of the actual online syllabus may differ from the preview due to updates or revisions)