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FIN-3210 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

Security Analysis and Portfolio Management presents an overview of investments with a focus on asset types, financial instruments, security markets, and mutual funds. The course provides a foundation for students entering the fields of investment analysis or portfolio management. This course examines portfolio theory, debt and equity securities, and derivative markets. It provides information on sound investment management practices, emphasizing the impact of globalization, taxes, and inflation on investments. It also provides guidance in evaluating the performance of an investment portfolio.

Advisory: It is advisable to have completed FIN-3010: Principles of Finance, either MAT-1190: Quantitative Business Analysis or MAT-1290: Precalculus, and STA-2010: Principles of Statistics with grades of C or better in order to succeed in this course. Students are responsible for making sure that they have the necessary knowledge.

Study Methods:

Online Courses (FIN-3210-OL):
Sep 2024,  Jan 2025,  May 2025
TECEP® Examination (FIN-3210-TE):
Jul 2024,  Aug 2024,  Sep 2024,  Oct 2024,  Nov 2024,  Dec 2024,  Jan 2025,  Feb 2025,  Mar 2025,  Apr 2025,  May 2025,  Jun 2025

Credits: 3

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