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FIN-3310 Financial Institutions and Markets

This course examines financial institutions and systems as well as the relationship of U.S. capital markets to global markets. This involves the effects of interest rates and asset demand including stocks, bonds, options, and futures, and their fundamental relationships within the financial market structure. The course analyzes the efficiency of financial markets and the role of central banks (especially the Federal Reserve System); in addition, the course examines the conduct of monetary policy to determine its effect on financial markets. Emphasis is given to the bond, stock, and money markets, and their relationship to the management of financial institutions and financial regulations. The functions of the mutual fund industry, insurance companies, and pension funds are discussed and evaluated for risk and ethical considerations.

Study Methods:

Online Courses (FIN-3310-OL):
Jul 2024,  Jan 2025
TECEP® Examination (FIN-3310-TE):
Jul 2024,  Aug 2024,  Sep 2024,  Oct 2024,  Nov 2024,  Dec 2024,  Jan 2025,  Feb 2025,  Mar 2025,  Apr 2025,  May 2025,  Jun 2025

Credits: 3

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