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HUS-3020 Fundraising in Human Services

This course actively engages students in mastering the concepts and tools needed to help nonprofit organizations achieve their mission and objectives through well-established fundraising techniques. Students will learn how to assess an organization's fundraising capabilities, conduct prospect research, coordinate an annual fund drive, solicit grants from corporations and foundations, cultivate and secure major gifts, design planned giving instruments to meet the needs of donors, carry out a capital campaign, and set up information technologies to track fundraising efforts and assist with the stewardship of gifts. The course emphasizes applications, and students will complete a fundraising plan during the semester for a specific organization of their choosing.

Study Methods:

Online Courses (HUS-3020-OL):
Sep 2024,  Oct 2024,  Nov 2024,  Dec 2024,  Jan 2025,  Feb 2025,  Mar 2025,  Apr 2025,  May 2025,  Jun 2025

Credits: 3

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(Please visit the University bookstore to view the correct materials for each course by semester as the contents of the actual online syllabus may differ from the preview due to updates or revisions)