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LDR-3240 Leaders in History

This course focuses on historical perspectives on leadership: first, on real leaders over thousands of years who demonstrated leadership within multiple contexts (including politics, reform movements, diplomacy, military, business, church, sports, and art); second, on writers/scholars/leaders from different historical eras and contexts who wrote about leadership and whose writings provide a means of understanding leaders acting in history. Together, these two elements of the course will reinforce each other and provide students with the opportunity to reflect on links between leadership practices and leadership concepts across a broad spectrum of world history. The course introduces a diverse group of historical leaders: both men and women; leaders of different races and ethnicities; and persons of different national/cultural backgrounds.

Study Methods:

Online Courses (LDR-3240-OL):
Jul 2024,  Sep 2024,  Nov 2024,  Jan 2025,  Mar 2025,  May 2025
Self-Directed Courses (LDR-3240-SD): This course is offered every term.

Credits: 3

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(Please visit the University bookstore to view the correct materials for each course by semester as the contents of the actual online syllabus may differ from the preview due to updates or revisions)