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This course examines the design, components, and operations of the nuclear reactor systems with focus on pressurized water reactor (PWR) and boiling water reactor (BWR). Topics covered include reactor coolant system; core design and control; reactor vessel and internals; reactor coolant pumps; pressurizer and relief systems; and steam generators. The course also covers chemical column control system, boron recycle system, spent fuel and cooling system, fuel handling, reactor servicing, component cooling water, liquid radwaste, and gaseous radwaste. In addition, it provides students with opportunities to use nuclear reactor plant simulator software for hands-on learning experience of nuclear power reactor operations.
Advisory: It is strongly recommended that you do not take any of the Nuclear Engineering Technology and Radiation Protection area of study courses unless your math skills, up to and including derivatives and integrals, are current. Students are responsible for making sure that they have the necessary knowledge.
Credits: 3
Preview the Online Syllabus
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