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NUR-4280 Leadership and Management in Nursing

This course focuses on preparing students for the changing role of the professional nurse through the development of leadership and management skills within the healthcare delivery system. Key theories and concepts related to the role will be explored and applied to nursing practice. Emphasis will be placed on professional accountability, priority setting, decision making, ethics, legal issues, fiscal planning, collaboration, communication, and continuous quality improvement.

BSN students: This course is offered 6 times per year per year during Session 1 and Session 2 of each 16 week Nursing Undergraduate term. Please check the 16 Week School of Nursing Undergraduate Academic Calendar for dates and registration information.

Study Methods:

Nursing Online Courses (NUR-4280-NU):
Jul 2024,  Nov 2024,  Mar 2025

Credits: 3

(Please visit the University bookstore in order to view the correct materials for each course by semester and to order the digital resource for this course with your TESU student discount.)