Courses and Schedules

SOC-3620 Sociology of Work

Sociology of Work examines the workplace from a sociological viewpoint to analyze the historical and modern-day workplace. A sociohistorical view toward the world of work is studied; this includes foundational scholarship as well as the way modern work has evolved over the years. Technological and social organizational changes that gave rise to modern forms of manufacturing, wage labor, and labor unions are explored. The role of key social variables of race, class, and gender play in the modern-day workplace is also examined. Finally, this course addresses contemporary debates regarding the amount of time people spend at work, including the struggle for a balance between work and family obligations.

Advisory: This is an upper-level course. Students should have knowledge equivalent to an introductory sociology course.

Study Methods:

Online Courses (SOC-3620-OL):
Nov 2024,  Dec 2024,  Jan 2025,  Feb 2025,  Mar 2025,  Apr 2025,  May 2025,  Jun 2025

Credits: 3

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