Graduate Courses

APS-6000 Enhancing Performance in Technology Organizations

This course provides an overview of the most successful strategies and approaches for achieving performance improvement in technology-based organizations, using the latest research findings and examples of high performing technology organizations. Topics covered include organizational capabilities in managing costs and productivity, performance measurement, leadership system for high performance, enhanced quality in products and services, employee engagement, and enhanced customer engagement and satisfaction as well as performance capabilities (such as organizational values, adaptability, flexibility, agility, responsiveness, and decisiveness) that enable organizations to anticipate and respond to change. The Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence are examined as assessment tools for achieving desired organizational capabilities. Discussion also covers specific approaches that contribute to high performance and organizational effectiveness, such as customer relationship management, supply chain management, Six Sigma, lean methodologies, and other process improvement tools. Successful applications of these strategies and approaches are illustrated through practical applications.

Credits: 3

Offered in Sep 2024, Mar 2025

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