Graduate Courses
AVM-5030 Airport Management and Operations
This course addresses requirements, responsibilities, and methods of operating major U.S. and international airports. The course studies both Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards regarding airside and landside operations, operational safety, maintenance and construction, security, and emergency preparedness. The course will build on subjects learned in AVF-4720: Airport Management I and AVF-4740: Airport Management II. Airport Management and Operations will provide an in-depth analysis of airport operations and the myriad of responsibilities that airport managers face on a day-to-day basis. It will present airport expansion in its historical context along with the impact airports have had on regional development and on the environment. Students are introduced to the regulatory aspects as well as the operational requirements affecting airports and air travelers. Additional topics include analysis of airport planning and design, financial management, and marketing. Because airports are continually evolving, this course provides airport executives with the knowledge, skills, and expertise to properly evaluate and satisfy these needs while combining fiscal responsibility with sensible management and planning.
Credits: 3
Offered in Jul 2024, Nov 2024, May 2025
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