Graduate Courses

DBA-8050 Seminar in Marketing and Entrepreneurship

This course examines how organizations can leverage advanced marketing information, unique applications of consumer data, and organizational knowledge to effectively communicate value to consumers. Furthermore, this course addresses the importance of entrepreneurship and how this mindset can be encouraged and developed within organizations and by individual entrepreneurs. Topics include a full range of core principles and advanced theories to build upon current knowledge and expand students' understanding of marketing, ranging from market-oriented planning and competitive positioning to pricing and integrated communications, along with the variations of entrepreneurship. Emphasis is placed on applying advanced concepts through interactive discussions, cases, practical examples, and various doctoral-level assignments. By the end of the course, students will have developed an appreciation of advanced, next-level insights into the influence and impact that marketing has on organizational success. Students also gain significant insight in understanding how research and theory intersect with and increase marketing effectiveness at various organizational levels.

Credits: 3

Offered in May 2025

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