Graduate Courses

DBA-9200 Scholar-Practitioner Field Project II - Research Methods Supervised Practicum: Data Collection and Analysis

This is the second of the three consecutive Scholar-Practitioner Field Project (SPFP) courses of the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree. This course builds on the work accomplished in the first course (DBA-9100) as students conduct the field project. Students will apply critical-thinking, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation skills they have developed throughout the degree program. Central to this course is the integration of data collection and cogent analysis within the context and conditions of the field project.

Advisory: All milestones in DBA-9200 must be completed and approved before students will be allowed to enroll in DBA-9300.

Credits: 3

Offered in Semester, May 2024, Jul 2024, Sep 2024, Nov 2024, Jan 2025, Mar 2025, May 2025

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