Graduate Courses

EDL-7000 Field-Based Internship and Professional Portfolio for Building Administrators I

This course is the first of two consecutive internship semesters required for completion of the Master of Arts (MA) in Educational Leadership program. Each semester requires engagement in a 100-hour field-based internship experience in an authentic school or district setting. Under the supervision of a mentor administrator and course mentor, aspiring school leaders put leadership theory into practice by co-planning and implementing a series of administrative, supervisory, curricular, and professional development activities that address each of the professional standards. Candidates document their experiences in an electronic portfolio that includes artifacts of practice, letters of endorsement or support from qualified site administrators, class assignments and research papers, reflective journal entries, contact logs with mentors, and self-assessment narratives. Portfolios are assessed on their substantiation of standards-based competencies and documentation of the required internship hours.

Advisory: By the end of this course, students must complete 100 documented hours of school-based internship activities towards the 300-hour requirement for the New Jersey CE Principal endorsement. (School Business Administration candidates should take EDL-8100 and complete a 150-hour district-level internship).


  • Prior to beginning this course, students must secure the appropriate permissions to conduct an administrative internship in their selected placements. If the administrator who signed the Administrative Supervisor form during the admissions process is no longer in their position, please contact the Office of the Dean; we will need to collaboratively identify an on-site administrator with the required credentials willing to mentor you.
  • Internship activities must be above and beyond those required for your current position as a teacher or other non-administrative educational role. Hours may be completed during your prep time, lunch, before or after school, on school breaks, and on weekends.
  • You may only enroll in EDL-7100 after 200 documented hours of appropriate field-based activities are completed and approved by your administrative supervisor and TESU mentor. Field-based activities are completed while enrolled in several courses in this program.

Credits: 3

Offered in Jul 2024, Nov 2024, Jan 2025, Mar 2025, May 2025

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