Graduate Courses

HLS-6110 International Legal and Ethical Issues

This course examines statutory, constitutional, military, and international legal principles and their relation to the design and implementation of national and international strategies related to homeland security in both the domestic and global arenas. Emphasis will be on legal and due process actions and the legality of those actions in domestic, military, and international settings. There will be an intense focus on the exposure, explanation, and understanding of the existing domestic and international laws and treaties. This course will provide the student with exposure to a multitude of issues in the area of homeland security by examining the basic concept of investigating and prosecuting terrorism and its affect both domestically and internationally. The method of study and exposure to these topics is designed to facilitate the student in the development of the ability to identify, understand, and perform critical thinking and written assessment of concepts directly relating to legal and due process issues relating to terrorism and homeland security challenges.

Credits: 3

Offered in May 2024, Sep 2024, Mar 2025, May 2025

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