Graduate Courses

HRM-8010 Seminar in Global Human Resource Management

This course focuses on the methods used by global human resource managers to craft a human resource plan that effectively operationalizes the workforce to reach the strategic plan. Topics will include forecasting workforce needs in a global environment; creating effective hiring strategies that fit the country dynamics and position needs; hiring the right person for the organizational context and cultural dynamics; training employees to effectively lead people that represent a diverse cultural background; development succession management systems that allow for talent, breadth, and depth to increase global effectiveness; and developing compensation plans that address multicountry employees. By the end of the course, students will be able to identify the issues associated with a global workforce and develop a human resource plan that creates a strong talent pool and utilizes the cultural differences to improve organizational outcomes.

Credits: 3

Offered in Semester, May 2024, Nov 2024, May 2025

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