Thomas Edison State University | Graduate Courses & Schedules
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LAP-5000 Liberal Arts and Professional Life

This course seeks to define the liberal arts and explore their relevance in today's world. Proceeding from the past to modern times, the course provides a broad overview of the liberal arts throughout the world, including history, the arts and sciences, literature, the social sciences, and philosophy/religion. With graduate mentor guidance, students will conduct independent research and will relate their findings to workplace or community experiences. As its major objective, this course examines the content, meaning, and interrelationship of the liberal arts and their direct relevance to the intellectual and moral formation of the working professional. Students will explore a selection of texts that illuminate fundamental issues outside of the workplace, in which professionals exercise their responsibilities. As part of the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS) curriculum, this course provides a basis for subsequent courses by encouraging an appreciation of the liberal arts as a formative influence in Western history and culture and establishing a common understanding of the implications of the professions and professionalism.

Credits: 3

Offered in Jan 2024, May 2024, Jul 2024, Sep 2024, Nov 2024, Jan 2025, May 2025

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(Please visit the University bookstore to view the correct materials for each course by semester as the contents of the actual online syllabus may differ from the preview due to updates or revisions)