Thomas Edison State University | Graduate Courses & Schedules
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NUR-9220 Scholarly Immersion III: Project Completion and Mentored Practicum

This is the culminating component of the clinical immersion course sequence that provides the student with the opportunity to synthesize, integrate, and apply the knowledge and skills obtained during the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) curriculum. In this final clinical immersion experience, students will focus on the evaluation of the evidence-based practice change and on the impact the DNP change project had on the selected population. Students will develop a plan for dissemination of the project outcomes. The practicum element of this course will reflect the change element of project development. A scholarly presentation of the project is required. Demonstration of achievement of Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program outcomes and competencies is required.

Credits: 3

Offered in Jul 2024, Sep 2024, Nov 2024, Jan 2025, Mar 2025, May 2025

(Please visit the University bookstore in order to view the correct materials for each course by semester.)