Graduate Courses

SOM-7020 Social Media Marketing

Social media is much more than a form of entertainment or tool for communicating with friends and family. With its continued growth, social media has become an indispensable form of communication that organizations need to understand and leverage when interacting with their customers. Businesses need marketing professionals with the 'know-how' to maximize social interactions to drive loyalty and profitability. To address these new realities, this course examines how social media impacts marketing strategy, brand development, and internal and external engagement, along with legal concerns, customer service, and reputation management. By the end of the course, students will develop an appreciation for the type of content that successfully engages customers, learn how to leverage analytics and insights that proliferate from available social media data, successfully manage the round-the-clock nature of social media, and implement a business-level social media marketing strategy.

Credits: 3

Offered in Semester, May 2024, Jul 2024, Nov 2024, Mar 2025

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