Thomas Edison State University | Graduate Courses & Schedules
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SWT-5720 Software Modeling and Analysis

This course focuses on software development models that are used to develop, validate, verify, and analyze software systems. Students will develop knowledge and skills in software verification and validation as well as expertise in data and process modeling. Various software modeling frameworks will be covered in this course and students will learn to apply them to the design and development of software artifacts. They will learn to use software verification tools and techniques to ensure that a software system has been built according to the requirements and design specifications defined in the model. Students will also use software validation frameworks to test whether the software actually meets the user's needs and that the initial specifications were correct. Topics in this course include development life-cycle models, modeling languages, software design templates, system documentation, software verification frameworks, and software validation methodologies.

Credits: 3

Offered in Mar 2024, May 2024, Sep 2024, Mar 2025

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