Courses and Schedules
ETH-2300 Ethics in the Digital Age 
Ethics in a Digital Age introduces central ethical issues raised by digital technology, including privacy, freedom of expression, cybercrime, and artificial intelligence. Students will examine major ethical theories and will apply these perspectives to ethical questions related to digital technology. Students will also analyze and discuss their own assumptions and core beliefs as they explore the implications of applying different ethical perspectives to problems that society faces in a digital age.
BSN students: This course is offered 3 times per year during Session 1 of each 16 week Nursing Undergraduate term. Please check the School of Nursing Undergraduate Academic Calendar for dates and registration information.
Study Methods- :
Credits: 3
Preview the Online Syllabus
(Please visit the University bookstore to view the correct materials for each course by semester as the contents of the actual online syllabus may differ from the preview due to updates or revisions)