Courses and Schedules
PSY-2700 Psychology of Gender 
This course introduces students to the psychological literature on gender, including the biological, psychological, and social factors associated with gender differences and similarities in affect, behavior, and cognition. The social construction of gender, with respect to social context and time period, is explored in terms of social theory and schema development. More specifically, the course covers the influence of gender roles on psychological health, interpersonal relationships, and experiences in social settings. Readings and assignments focus on the application of gender theories and research, including portrayals of gender in the media and gender-related issues, such as sexual harassment, toxic masculinity, violence, and the wage gap. Readings and assignments include definitions of gender, including gender identity and expression beyond the gender binary. Students will be expected to learn the terminology, research, and theory discussed in the readings and gain a greater understanding of applied research methods.
Study Methods- :
Credits: 3
Preview the Online Syllabus
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