Courses and Schedules
SOS-1100 Fact, Fiction, or Fake? Information Literacy Today 
We are bombarded with information every day. It comes at us from all directions - from our social media feeds, traditional news outlets, advertisements and commercials, assigned readings in college courses, and from friends and family members. This is a regular part of daily life in the "information age," but it can be difficult to make sense of so much information coming at us from different directions. How do we know what information to trust, and what information is "fake or fiction"? In what ways do our own beliefs and perceptions shape how we use information? How can we identify the most reliable sources of information in our courses, careers, and daily lives? In this course, students develop strategies for locating credible information; evaluate a variety of sources for credibility; learn how cognitive bias may influence how information is perceived; practice giving proper credit to the sources of the information; and learn how to apply these information literacy skills in their academic courses, career, and personal life.
BSN students: This course is offered 6 times per year during Session 1 and Session 2 of each 16 week Nursing Undergraduate term. Please check the 16 Week School of Nursing Undergraduate Academic Calendar for dates and registration information.
Study Methods- :
Credits: 3
Preview the Online Syllabus
(Please visit the University bookstore to view the correct materials for each course by semester as the contents of the actual online syllabus may differ from the preview due to updates or revisions)