Courses and Schedules
STA-2010 Principles of Statistics 
Principles of Statistics is designed to meet the needs of students across multiple disciplines and professions. As data becomes more prevalent in our world through advances in technology, there is a growing need to understand, analyze, and utilize these data effectively to make decisions. This course provides students with techniques needed to scientifically analyze data for statistical interpretation. Topics include types of statistics, data representations (tables, graphs, and charts), measures of location and variation, probability concepts, continuous and discrete distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, distribution-free tests, and regression and correlation analysis. The emphasis of the course is on the application of these statistical methods to solve real-world problems regardless of academic or professional discipline.
Advisory: It is advisable to have knowledge in a course equivalent to MAT-1210: College Algebra with a grade of C or better to succeed in this course. Students are responsible for making sure that they have the necessary knowledge.
Study Methods- :
Credits: 3
Preview the Online Syllabus
(Please visit the University bookstore to view the correct materials for each course by semester as the contents of the actual online syllabus may differ from the preview due to updates or revisions)