Thomas Edison State University | Zero Textbook Cost Courses
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Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) Courses

TESU is reducing traditional textbook costs by harnessing Open Educational Resources (OER) and other no-cost alternatives in its online courses. The courses below utilize openly-sourced materials and have zero learning materials or textbook cost (ZTC). Openly-sourced materials are an alternative to traditional course materials, reside in the public domain and encompass a rich array of readings, articles, case studies and multimedia components like videos and podcasts that can be integrated in your online courses.

Undergraduate Courses

NOTE: ‡ e-Pack® courses are not included in ZTC options.

Introduction to Anthropology (ANT-1010)
Medical Terminology (APS-1000)
Associate Capstone (APS-2950)
Current Trends and Applications in Applied Science and Technology (APS-4010)
Engineering Technology Assessment/Career Planning (APS-4900)
A World of Art (ART-1000)
Crew Resource Management (AVT-3060)
Introductory Biology (BIO-1010)
The Science of Nutrition (BIO-2080)
Computer Concepts and Applications (CIS-1070)
Introduction to Cloud Computing (CLD-1100)
Operation and Management of Cloud Computing Systems (CLD-2100)
AI, Machine Learning, and Big Data in the Cloud (CLD-4300)
Public Speaking (COM-2090)
Introduction to Computers (COS-1010)
Visual Storytelling with Data (DSI-2000)
General Earth Science (EAS-1010)
Introduction to Meteorology (EAS-1311)
Macroeconomics (ECO-1110)
Microeconomics (ECO-1120)
Electronics Systems Engineering Technology Capstone (ELT-4950)
Writing for Success (ENC-1010)
Writing for Success II (ENC-1020)
Technical Writing (ENG-2010)
Technical Communication (ENG-2020)
Leading the Way: A Path Towards Ethical Leadership (ETH-2200)
Ethics in the Digital Age (ETH-2300)
Exploring American Cinema (FIL-1100)
World Geography (GOG-2300)
Men's Health (HEA-3060)
American History I (HIS-1130)
American History II (HIS-1140)
Introduction to the Humanities III: Music (HUM-1030)
Introduction to the Humanities IV: Fine Arts and Architecture (HUM-1040)
Associate-Level Human Services Capstone (HUS-2950)
Bachelor-Level Human Services Capstone (HUS-4950)
The Music of War and Peace (LIB-3200)
Online Obsessions: Determining and Dealing with Digital Dependency (LIB-3420)
Advanced American Literature I (LIT-3010)
Advanced American Literature II (LIT-3020)
Principles of Management (MAN-2100)
International Management (MAN-3720)
Applied Liberal Arts Mathematics (MAT-1050)
Intermediate Algebra (MAT-1150)
College Algebra (MAT-1210)
Precalculus (MAT-1290)
Calculus I (MAT-2310)
Calculus II (MAT-2320)
Mathematical Modeling (MAT-3510)
Radiation Analysis Laboratory (NUC-2380)
Nuclear Physics for Technology (NUC-3030)
Radialogical, Reactor, and Environmental Safety (NUC-3420)
Nuclear Instrumentation and Control (NUC-3510)
Reactor Fundamentals (NUC-3650)
Nuclear Rules and Regulations (NUC-3800)
Nuclear Energy Engineering Technology Capstone (NUC-4950)
Introduction to Critical Reasoning (PHI-1300)
Ethics and the Business Professional (PHI-3840)
Prior Learning Portfolio (PLA-1010)
Polysomnography Capstone (PSG-2950)
Psychology of Gender (PSY-2700)
Brain and Mind (PSY-3020)
Social Psychology (PSY-3790)
World Religions: Exploring Diversity (REL-4050)
Introduction to Nuclear Engineering Technology and Radiation Health Physics (RPT-2700)
Radiation Ecology (RPT-2720)
Introduction to Radiation Generating Devices (RPT-2750)
Radioactive Shipping, Packaging, and Transporting (RPT-2800)
Radiation Protection/Health Physics Capstone (RPT-4950)
Our Changing World: An Introduction to Sociology (SOC-1010)
Criminology (SOC-2910)
Fact, Fiction, or Fake? Information Literacy Today (SOS-1100)
Elementary Spanish I (SPA-1010)
Elementary Spanish II (SPA-1020)
Principles of Statistics (STA-2010)

‡ e-Pack® courses are not included in ZTC options.

Graduate Courses

Managing People in Technology-Based Organizations (APS-6020)
Aviation Economics and Fiscal Management (AVM-5040)
Business Forecasting (BFO-7010)
Special Topics in Cybersecurity (CYB-6900)
Capstone in Cybersecurity (CYB-7000)
The Global Business Context: Trends, Issues, and Markets (DBA-8010)
Seminar in Economics and Finance: Models and Matrices of Sustainability (DBA-8020)
Seminar in Marketing and Entrepreneurship (DBA-8050)
Seminar in Law, Ethics, and Global Society (DBA-8070)
Teaching Adults: Archetypes, Tools, and Tactics - Andragogy Lab (DBA-8080)
Seminar in Scholar-Practitioner Research (DBA-9050)
Scholar-Practitioner Field Project II - Research Methods Supervised Practicum: Data Collection and Analysis (DBA-9200)
Scholar-Practitioner Field Project III - Project Completion, Presentation, and Publishing (DBA-9300)
Programming 1: Python (DSI-5050)
Programming 2: Python (DSI-5070)
Customer Analytics in R (DSI-6140)
Applied Predictive Analytics (DSI-7000)
Advanced Database Systems (DTM-5310)
Effective Leadership - From Theory to Practice (EDL-5000)
Field-Based Internship for District Administrators (EDL-8100)
All-Hazards Response and Recovery Planning (EDM-6300)
Capstone Project in Educational Technology and Online Learning (EDT-7000)
Ethics for Managers (ETH-5900)
Ethics for Managers (ETM-7500)
Healthcare Law (HCL-7040)
The Effectiveness of a Market-Connected Culture (HRM-5700)
Managing the Human Resources Enterprise (HRM-6000)
Human Resources as a Strategic Partner (HRM-6100)
Management Capstone (MAN-6300)
Capstone I (MLS-7000)
Capstone II (MLS-7100)
Public Service Capstone (MPL-7100)
Atmospheric Dispersion of Radioisotopes (NUC-5010)
Current Issues and Case Studies (NUC-5030)
Information Systems and Technology Impacting Healthcare Delivery (NUR-8150)
Sense of Community I: Art and Morality (SAM-5010)

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